Triggering at the Democratic Socialist Convention

Good day all. Did you know that the Democratic Socialists of America actually had a convention last week? Why yes, they did, and it went about as well as you would expect a bunch of nitwits who have no grasp on reality.

One of the biggest issues to be dealt with was pronouns. 99.9999% of the human race uses masculine and feminine pronouns to describe men and women. (A man is one who has the XY chromosomes and a woman is one who has the XX Chromosomes to denote gender) This is a big no no in the world of the Perpetually Stupid and it came to full flower during the convention. Here are the details from Fox News:

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) National Convention in Georgia this weekend came to a screeching halt when one delegate formally complained of “sensory overload” from “guys” whispering in the room — prompting another “comrade” to grab the microphone to angrily demand an immediate end to the use of “gendered language.

The back-to-back moments of impassioned hypersensitivity at the gathering of the largest socialist organization in the United States led to bipartisan mockery from commentators, who compared the scene to something out of the sitcom “The Office” or the sketch comedy group Monty Python.

Oh it was far funnier then that! Someone actually dared to use the words “Personal Privilege” when he/she/it was trying to speak.

Uh, quick point of personal privilege, um guys,” began one delegate, who identified himself as James Jackson from Sacramento, and specified that he uses the “he/him” personal pronouns.

And then the fun began!

As soon as Jackson said the word “guys,” an individual in the audience could be seen becoming visibly irate in a livestream video of the convention posted online.

In other words, “How dare this misogynist, sexist pig use the pronoun “Guys” when addressing us!!”

“I just want to say, can we please keep the chatter to the minimum? I’m one of the people who’s very, very prone to sensory overload,” Jackson said. Several other delegates could be seen waving “Jazz hands” in the air, instead of applauding, as he spoke. (Jazz hands are considered less “triggering” to those sensitive to loud sounds.)

What a bunch of wimps! These are the “People” who think they should rule over America? (Note I said Rule, not govern or administer. They believe they should be in charge forever) They can’t even handle simple words without going off the deep end, and hand clapping can “Trigger” them? The word “Useless” comes to mine as a nice generic description of these idiots.

“There’s a lot of whispering and chattering going on. It’s making it very difficult for me to focus. Please, I know we’re all fresh and ready to go, but can we please just keep the chatter to a minimum? It’s affecting my ability to focus.”

There are those who would ask “How will these fools react to the sound of gunfire?” I say “Why waste the ammo? A good loud shout right in their mushy faces and they’ll collapse in a dead faint.”

But the situation would not end so easily for the approximately 1,500 socialists gathered at the convention. Within seconds, the individual who had appeared irritated by Jackson’s words stumbled toward the microphone to yell, “Point of personal privilege! Point of personal privilege!”

Stumbled? Probably to stoned to walk a straight line. In any case, the fun and games begins.

“Yes?” the chair asked.

“Please do not use gendered language to address everyone!”

“OK,” the chair said, seemingly flustered.

Insert something

Jackson soon made a return trip to the podium. Why? Seems he was getting “Triggered” again. (Dumb Pussy)

“Quick point of privilege ONCE again!” Jackson said later in the day, before reciting rotely, “Hi, James Jackson, Sacramento DSA, he/him.”

“I have ALREADY asked people to be mindful of the chatter of their comrades who are sensitive to sensory overload,” Jackson said. “And that goes DOUBLE for the heckling and the hissing. It is also triggering to my anxiety. Like, being comradely isn’t just for like, keeping things civil or whatever. It’s so people aren’t going to get triggered, and so that it doesn’t affect their performance as a delegate.

Needless to say, when the videos from the convention dropped, the laughing began in earnest.

Joked satirist Titania McGrath (real name Andrew Doyle): “POINT OF PERSONAL PRIVILEGE! Could the individual who called out the offensively gendered language of the individual who called out the sensory overload of the aggressive whispering please refrain from speaking at such an excessive triggering volume.”

On the flip side, we have the Washington Post saying that this proves that the warnings from President Trump are bogus.

On the other hand, the Washington Post’s Dave Weigel suggested the moment could take the wind out of some of President Trump’s dire warnings about the impending threat of socialism.

This clip has one DSA delegate saying ‘whispering and chatter’ gives him sensory overload, and another asking for gendered terms not to be used,” Weigel said. “Depending on the day, socialists are a terrifying force ready to overthrow the government, or a collection of snowflakes to laugh at.”

Actually, no, it doesn’t. These useless fools are nothing more than cannon fodder for the true totalitarians. They will serve their purpose as a distraction while the true tyrants, such as all of the current Democrat presidential contenders try to sneak their way into the oval office. Once the true socialists gain power, these morons will be rounded up and disposed of.

That is the way of all communist dictatorships. The “Useful Fools” lay the groundwork and then the true “Leaders of the Revolution” come in, kill the old leadership and then liquidate all their followers. Then the move on to anyone else they perceive as an “Enemy of the State.” (In other words, anyone capable of thinking and resisting)

If the Democrats, as they are currently configured as a political party, take control of the government, you will see them move instantly to centralize all power in their hands. The Constitution will be a dead letter as they remove judges that read and uphold it and replace them with their own. Eventually, elections will have as much value here as they did in the Soviet Union, Cuba or any other Socialist Workers paradise.

Yes, these moonbats at the Democrat Socialists convention are blithering idiots and useful fools. However, they are dead serious in their goals of wrecking America. Laugh at them, yes. Belittle them, of course, but also keep a wary eye on them. They have a habit of sneaking into positions of authority and imposing their sick ideology on others.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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