Colt ends sales of civilian AR-15. MSM lies about it

Good day all. Last week, the Colt Manufacturing Company, announced that it was stopping sales of it’s civilian AR-15 to the civilian market. Almost immediately, the usual Progressive suspects in the Mostly Stupid Media began misrepresenting the actual reasons for Colt’s decision.

As you are probably aware, the CommuNazi Party has decided that they will, if they take power, (as opposed to assuming office), order the confiscation of all AR-15’s in private hands. Several Department and sporting goods stores, such as Wal-Mart and Dicks have announced that they will no longer sell the AR-15 pattern rifle. When Colt made their announcement, the Progressives decided that they were winning and started braying about it.

However, the truth is someone different. Colt isn’t discontinuing sales to the public of the AR-15 for political reasons, they are stopping manufacture and sales because the market for the rifle is soft. Here is the actual press release from the Colt Manufacturing Corporation:

WEST HARTFORD, Conn. (September 19th, 2019) – There have been numerous articles recently published about Colt’s participation in the commercial rifle market. Some of these articles have incorrectly stated or implied that Colt is not committed to the consumer market. We want to assure you that Colt is committed to the Second Amendment, highly values its customers and continues to manufacture the world’s finest quality firearms for the consumer market.

The fact of the matter is that over the last few years, the market for modern sporting rifles has experienced significant excess manufacturing capacity. Given this level of manufacturing capacity, we believe there is adequate supply for modern sporting rifles for the foreseeable future.

On the other hand, our warfighters and law enforcement personnel continue to demand Colt rifles and we are fortunate enough to have been awarded significant military and law enforcement contracts. Currently, these high-volume contracts are absorbing all of Colt’s manufacturing capacity for rifles. Colt’s commitment to the consumer markets, however, is unwavering. We continue to expand our network of dealers across the country and to supply them with expanding lines of the finest quality 1911s and revolvers.

At the end of the day, we believe it is good sense to follow consumer demand and to adjust as market dynamics change. Colt has been a stout supporter of the Second Amendment for over 180 years, remains so, and will continue to provide its customers with the finest quality firearms in the world.

Very respectfully,

Dennis Veilleux, President and Chief Executive Officer

Basically, there are to many manufacturers out there building a better version of the rifle than Colt for a lower price. Colt also has had some serious financial problems over the years and their version of the AR-15 just isn’t selling. (you can actually buy the parts and build your own AR-15 cheaper and with better quality in your own home)

If you were to read or watch what the CommuNazi Propaganda Corp, (Formally the MSM, originally known as the Free Press), was saying, you would think that Colt was pulling out of the market because they were becoming “Woke” and agreeing with the Progressive Totalitarians that the only people who should have guns are the government under the Progressive Totalitarian Liberal Democrats.

Since the Fake Mexican, Robert Francis O’Rourke, announced that if elected, (Which isn’t happening), he would order all AR-15-s and the semi-automatic versions of the venerable Kalashnikov AK-47 confiscated, sales of those and other rifles have gone up. The other “Candidolts” running in the Democrat Primary have mostly jumped on that idea and each is trying to top the other on how best to revoke the Constitution of the United States. Soon to be former Candidolt, Senator Cory “Farticus” Booker came up with a plan that everyone would have to get a license to own any firearm and have it renewed every 5 years or be forced to turn in their guns.

This is similar to how Blue states with extreme gun control measures handle things. You have no rights, instead you are granted permission by the state to exercise what they consider a privilege, the possession of a firearm. The State has the RIGHT to revoke that permission at any time and if you object, they will imprison or kill you.

This is the mindset of the Progressive Liberal Democrats currently infesting the media in this country, and this is why they got it so wrong when it came to Colt’s business decision to pull out of the AR-15 market. The Progressive Liberal Democrats so despise the 2nd Amendment, that when a company decides to pull out of a market the Left hates, the ignore the business reasons for such a move and instead project their own opinion on the story. Is it any wonder that most people don’t believe anything the Main Stream Media says these days?


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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