The Ukrainian scandal, Who will be hurt more? Trump of Biden

Good day all. Late last week yet another deep state operative “Blew the whistle” on President Trump. This time it was claimed that President Trump pressured the Ukrainian president to investigate Biden’s soon for nefarious dealings during the Obama regime.

As soon as the Democrat Propaganda Corp, (DPC) was given their marching orders, they began yet another “Impeach Trump!!” full court press. Vice President Joe “Groping Joe” Biden announced that now we have President Trump and he would beat him like a drum.

Then more information came out, such as this “Whistle blower had no first hand information, making it look like it is yet another Fake Dossier full of Fake news. Additional information came out regarding just what happened during the Obama Regime and how Biden’s son was involved in something rather shady and that then Vice President Biden pressured the government to fire the investigator looking into his son’s actions. Here are some details from Fox News:

President Trump’s allies are leaning into the controversy over a phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, gambling that the increased attention to the story could actually hurt the president’s potential 2020 rival Joe Biden.

For days, Democrats have seized on allegations that Trump in July pressured Zelensky to investigate Biden family dealings – using military aid as leverage – and cited the reports to revive calls for the president’s impeachment.

A couple of little details here. First, Ukrainian President Zelensky has denied that President Trump applied any pressure. Of course, the DPC is discounting that. Then we have Biden’s son, and the information that he actually was involved in rather shady dealings and Biden did pressure the then Ukrainian government to protect his corrupt spawn.

But the firestorm, apparently related to a still-secret whistleblower complaint, has, in turn, opened the door for Republicans to revisit the original controversy involving Joe Biden’s son Hunter. Further, they allege, the details of that story suggest Biden did the same thing Trump is accused of doing — leveraging military aid to pressure Ukraine.

The more they want to talk about Ukraine, the better,” Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani said Monday morning on Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria.”

And what are the details of Hunter Biden’s dealings? Well, it looks like he studied at the feet of Felonia von Pantsuit.

Hunter Biden was hired by Burisma in April 2014, two months after Ukraine’s Russia-friendly president was ousted by protesters and as his father was heavily involved in U.S. efforts to support the new pro-Western government and its pledge to fight corruption. The hiring of the younger Biden immediately raised concerns that the Ukrainian firm, whose owner was a political ally of the ousted president, was seeking to gain influence with the Obama administration.

Two years later, then-Vice President Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees from Ukraine unless a top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, was fired. Shokin was accused by many in Ukraine and in the West of being soft on corruption, but he also had been leading an investigation into Burisma’s owner.

Trump has claimed Shokin “was after” Hunter Biden and the vice president was trying to protect his son.

The very thing they’re accusing President Trump of doing, Biden did,” Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., told “Fox & Friends” Monday.

Fox News reported on the Biden controversy in April. The New York Times published a lengthy story on the matter in May. But the controversy flew largely under the radar until now. While the heat is on Trump over whether or not he pressured Ukraine to investigate the Bidens, that firestorm has prompted multiple news outlets to revisit the original Biden controversy in order to provide context.

Biden has denied wrongdoing, with Shokin having already been suspected of corruption before his dismissal, and hammered Trump over the reports on his phone conversation with Kiev.

How typical of a corrupt Democrat when caught with their hands, feet and faces in the cookie jar. Deny, deny and accuse someone else of doing what they were caught doing themselves.

Trump addressed his phone call with Zelensky by calling the conversation “perfect” and insisting “there was no quid pro quo” and that he “said absolutely nothing wrong.” Trump also insists that the idea of withholding military aid from Ukraine is bogus because he gave the aid.

Funny how facts suddenly appear that utterly refute the demented delusions of the Progressive Liberal Democrats. Did President Trump ask President Zelensky to reopen the investigation into Crooked Hunter Biden? I do believe that President Trump has stated that he did. Did President Trump threaten to withhold aid? Obviously not since the aid was delivered.

Trump also tweeted Sunday night, stating that the Ukrainian government backed him up by saying he did not pressure them during the phone call. In the same tweet, he said the “real story” was Biden pressuring Ukraine into firing Shokin.

Giuliani accused Kiev on Monday of laundering $3 million to Hunter Biden and suggested the Obama administration turned a blind eye.

Well, it certainly wouldn’t be the first time Obama ignored the corruption in his administration. (See Felonia von Pantsuit)

“If Dem party doesn’t call for an investigation of Bidens’ millions from Ukraine and billions from China, they will own it,” he tweeted. “Bidens’ made big money selling public office. How could Obama have allowed this to happen? Will Dems continue to condone and enable this kind pay-for-play?”

What a stupid question Mr. Giuliani. Of COURSE they condone it! They’re also profiting from it themselves.

Democrats and Republicans are both pushing for investigations. Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who has shied away from calling for impeachment in the past, told CNN on Sunday that the latest allegations against Trump may warrant such a measure.

If the president is essentially withholding military aid at the same time that he is trying to browbeat a foreign leader into doing something illicit … then that may be the only remedy that is coequal to the evil that that conduct represents,” Schiff said.

Shifthead has a long history of making a complete ass out of himself. He spent 2 years saying he had proof, PROOF!! That President Trump was owned by the Russians, but when told to put up or shut up, the pencil neck moonbat disappeared. Now he has something new to lie about. Of course, this, like all the other lies he’s put out there, will blow up in his face.

The simple fact of the matter is that the Democrats and the GOP(e) Uniparty types hate Donald Trump. They hate him for a multitude of reasons. For the Democrats, he isn’t Felonia von Pantsuit who was the designated successor to Barack Obama, and who would have continued, and ramped up the oppression of the conservative groups, all the while, selling her office to the highest bidder. They also hate President Trump because he is actually doing what he promised.

Unemployment is at record low levels across the board. Jobs the Democrats and Globalists in the GOP said were never coming back to America, are doing so now. President Trump has also been tearing up all the so called “Free Trade” agreements that freely shipped American jobs and prosperity out of the country. He’s also been fighting China, trying to get them to stop cheating on agreements and stealing American Intellectual Property. They so hate President Trump that they will wreck the country if it will get him out of office.

We need to make sure this doesn’t happen and the best way is to re-elect Donald Trump in 2020, and also vote out as many Democrats, and Uniparty Republicans as possible. Literally the future of this nation is at stake, If the Democrats win, the nation goes the way of Venezuela.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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