Never Trumpers still plotting to Get Trump

Good day all. Back in 2016 when Donald Trump was closing in on the Republican Nomination, the GOP(e), Rino’s and Beltway Uniparty elites went into a panic. They tried everything they could to keep Donald Trump, first from the Nomination and then the White House.

During the general election, you had some of the Never Trumper’s put up third party candidates in the hopes of siphoning off votes and ensuring the election of Felonia von Pantsuit. (They never said that of course) Then you had others who flat out said they would vote for Felonia von Pantsuit and preferred her in the White House over Donald Trump.

Needless to say, their antics failed miserably and they found themselves on the outs with the new Trump Administration. Some of the Never Trumpers learned their lesson and have been begging for forgiveness, trying to get back into the seats of power. Others have decided to double down on their stupidity. Here are the detail from the Washington Examiner:

Republicans opposed to President Trump are quietly preparing to support Democratic front-runner Joe Biden, backing that could materialize in the primary as he attempts to fend off a surging Elizabeth Warren.

Some Republican operatives active in Never Trump circles are discussing the timing and what form support for Biden might take. Groups such as Stand Up Republic, co-founded by prominent Never Trump Republicans Evan McMullin and Mindy Finn, could target disaffected GOP voters in key micro-battlegrounds with finely tailored advertising in a bid to boost Biden in the Democratic primary.

So, it’s pretty obvious that these scumbags are not and never have been actual Republicans. They are frauds. Biden would be a flat out disaster as president and Warren would start a civil war in very short order with her Stalinistic point of view of the world.

Biden, 76, is the most likely Democrat to receive measurable support from the Never Trump crowd, most of whom quickly concluded that the president does not face a realistic threat from the three Republicans challenging him in the GOP primary in 2020.

Biden is probably the only plausible candidate the Never Trumpers could support,” said Jim Dornan, a Republican operative in Washington who maintains relationships with anti-Trump Republicans.

If they think Groping Joe is plausible, then they need to put down the crack pipe and sober up.

How a Warren nomination might affect the Never Trump movement, and its participation in the 2020 campaign, is unclear.

It won’t. They will take anyone who isn’t Donald Trump, even a Stalinist wannabe like Lie-a-watha Warren.

Some Republicans in this community, who believe Warren’s policies are a different sort of extreme than Trump but equally dangerous to the country, might channel their opposition into helping one of the president’s long-shot primary challengers or get behind an independent candidacy, should one develop. Other Never Trump Republicans insist that the label means exactly that.

If they consider President Trump’s policies extreme, that says a lot regarding the ideals of the Never Trumpers claiming to be Republicans.

If it’s Elizabeth Warren, that presents a real problem because she may have a lot of plans, but most of them are terrible,” said Sarah Longwell, a veteran GOP operative and outspoken anti-Trump Republican. “Being Never Trump doesn’t mean abandoning conservative sensibilities,” she said.

You are about as conservative as Bernie Sanders you phony.

Never Trump means what it says: Never Trump. Under no circumstances can you embrace that man coming back to the White House,” countered Jerry Taylor, who runs the Niskanen Center, a centrist Washington think tank that has become a gathering spot for anti-Trump Republicans. “Most Never Trump Republicans that I traffic with are of the mind that any electoral outcome that doesn’t return Donald Trump to the White House is a good outcome, save for the wild card of Bernie Sanders.”

Even if it starts a civil war? There is a reason your globalist candidates were voted out of office. All you have done for decades is sell out America, ship American jobs overseas, throwing open the borders, get us into wars you never had any intention of winning and treating the average American as an ignorant lout. What makes you any different from the Democrats?

These differences, and Biden’s focus on national unity and working across the aisle in Washington, are attracting the interest of Republican voters who are drifting from the party because of opposition to the president. “He’s real, and he’s not scared of Trump,” said Anna Campos, a 38-year-old airline employee from Des Moines, Iowa, who described herself as a registered Republican preparing to participate in her first Democratic caucus.

So she is actually a Democrat then?

What interests Republican operatives opposed to Trump, in addition to Biden’s relative moderation, is the former vice president’s strength against Trump in key 2020 battlegrounds. In hypothetical match-ups in heartland states such as Michigan and emerging swing states such as Arizona, Biden has led Trump and tends to outperform Warren and Sanders.

Biden is no moderate. He is nothing more then a party hack who managed to make it to Vice President. He has been on the wrong side of every major issue his entire career. As president, he would be an epic failure. He may not be Bernie Sanders or Fauxahontas Warren politically, but he’s not smart enough to keep from getting rolled.

Besides, the polls mean nothing. You might recall that according to all the polls, we should be suffering under the third year of President Felonia von Pantsuit. When it comes to polls, the acronym “GIGO” comes into play. Garbage in, garbage out.

In particular, many Never Trump Republicans have almost zero confidence in the ability of Sanders to upend Trump in potentially decisive Michigan, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin, states where culturally conservative, blue-collar voters will play a major role in which party captures each state’s Electoral College votes.

Yeah, there is this thing called having a job, savings and a home that makes most blue collar voters think twice about voting for any of the current crop of Democrats. They’ve all announced that they’re going to institute a socialist worker paradise. The fact that you even considered Comrade Bernie to be a better choice than President Trump speaks volumes regarding where you stand.

I think those voters are much more likely to vote for Joe Biden than they are Bernie Sanders,” said Stuart Stevens, a Republican operative who in 2012 advised GOP nominee Mitt Romney and this cycle is counseling Bill Weld, one of Trump’s three long-shot primary challengers.

No, these are the people who voted for President Trump the first time with the understanding that he would keep his promises. Well guess what? No thanks to you traitors, President Trump has pretty much done just that. This is what makes him far more trustworthy than all Democrats and most of the Republicans. President Trump is closer to them then any of your RINO Uniparty.

The Never Trumpers hate President Trump for one simple reason. He is a threat to their power, wealth and influence. He does something you don’t. He talks to people on the street. You just ignore them. For you and your ilk, getting rid of Donald Trump will allow you to return the country to what it was prior to his taking office. A nation in decline. If you get your way, the United States will end. What arises from the ashes will not be anything we would recognize. I, for one, will do everything I can to stop you and all the rest of your fellow traveling Uniparty Never Trumpers within the laws of this great nation.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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