Britain considering banning eating meat

Good day all. It has been said that the United Kingdom and the United States are two nations dived by a common language. If a certain moron has his way, another thing that may divide us is the eating of meat.

A barrister in England has called for the creation of a new crime, Ecocide, and that people should be prosecuted for things like chowing down on meat. Here are the details from Sky News:

Eating meat could be banned like smoking, one of Britain’s foremost barristers has predicted, as he called for the offence of ‘ecocide’ to be introduced to prosecute those who damage the nature on a massive scale.

Michael Mansfield QC says new legislation is needed to criminalise the “wilful destruction of nature”, which he described as a “crime against humanity”.

In a speech to be delivered at Labour’s party conference in Brighton on Monday, Mr Mansfield will say: “I think when we look at the damage eating meat is doing to the planet it is not preposterous to think that one day it will become illegal.

“There are plenty of things that were once commonplace that are now illegal such as smoking inside.”

Now a few things. First, I am not an expert on the British legal system and the differences in the people practicing law. Most of what I know come from reruns of Rompole of the Bailey on PBS. I believe that a barrister is the lawyer who actually argues a case in front of a judge. Second, Britain’s Labour Party, (British spelling), is somewhat to the left of Mao Tse Tung. They have been trying, off and on, for a century to institute a communist state in the UK. This pinhead is typical of the totalitarians that infest British politics on both sides of the floor.

He will say: “We know that the top 3,000 companies in the world are responsible for more than £1.5tn worth of damage to the environment with meat and dairy production high on the list.

“We know that because the UN has told us so. It is time for a new law on ecocide to go alongside genocide and the other crimes against humanity.”

Oh my! The United Nations said so, so it MUST be true!

According to vegan charity Viva, which is hosting the debate, the world’s top three meat firms emit more greenhouse gases each year than all of France. Some 25% of all global greenhouse emissions come from agriculture, with livestock production contributing about 80% of that, Viva said.

The organisation’s director, Juliet Gellatley, said: “Thirty years ago people didn’t bat an eyelid if you lit a cigarette in a pub or restaurant. But now society accepts smoking is harmful and totally unnecessary and so we legislated against it.

It’s been known since the 1930’s that smoking was bad for you, and people still do it. However, eating meat is a somewhat different thing. Humans are omnivores. This means we eat both meat and vegetables and do so in order to survive and be healthy. Your average grass eating human is constantly having issues with getting sufficient nutrients in their diet to, basically, not die.

“The same could happen with eating meat.”

Only in your dreams you moonbat. People are not going to give up meat just because you say so, especially for your crackpot religion. (Man Made Climate Change)

The RSPB, National Trust and the Wildlife Trusts say the £3.2bn spent on farm support and environmental payments in the UK under the EU system must be re-invested in helping farmers produce food in a way that helps nature.

Screw nature, how about doing something to prevent starvation? Oh wait, I forgot. As good little Marxists, you want people to starve to death, so long as they’re the right sort of people. This nonsense that cattle and other livestock cause global warming is nothing more then a fantasy. In North America, up until the mid 1800’s, there were something like 60 million buffalo roaming the plains. There are significantly less cattle. If they think that farting cows are the problem, they are delusional.

Of course, this is Eurostan, and the moronic class is in ascendance. In Britain, there is a long history of lunatics who will always put animals ahead of people. Now they’ve just migrated to climate change as their best way to reduce the population, and return the survivors to their rightful place as serfs to the elite, at least until the Muslims take control and kill them.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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