Trump enrages Kalifornistan Progressives…Again

Good day all. One of the problems has, is the State of Kalifornistan. This state has long been able to impose their ideals on regulations the rest of us have to suffer under, even when they have no basis in science, local conditions or reality. One of these areas is Fuel Economy standards.

Since the Clean Air Act was passed back in 1970, Kalifornistan had been granted the authority to set it’s own emission standards. At the time, considering the smog problems back then, it made sense. However, Kalifornistan, as usual, went overboard and began forcing other states with no problems to abide by their standards. This caused auto manufacturers to make cars designed for the Kalifornistan market that no one else wanted, but had no choice but to buy them. Until now. Here are the details from Fox News:

In a move President Trump said will reduce car prices but will also anger environmental groups, the administration is revoking California‘s authority to set strict fuel economy standards. Trump announced the move Wednesday, saying the decision was made “in order to produce far less expensive cars for the consumer,” while making cars safer at the same time.

This will lead to more production because of this pricing and safety advantage, and also due to the fact that older, highly polluting cars, will be replaced by new, extremely environmentally friendly cars,” Trump tweeted Wednesday morning.

As you can imagine, this didn’t sit well with the Progressive totalitarian elites of Kalifornistan.

In anticipation of the move, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said Tuesday that the administration’s action will hurt both U.S. automakers and American families. He said California would fight the administration in federal court.

“You have no basis and no authority to pull this waiver,” Becerra, a Democrat, said in a statement, referring to Trump. “We’re ready to fight for a future that you seem unable to comprehend.”

Actually, he does Comrade.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom said the White House “has abdicated its responsibility to the rest of the world on cutting emissions and fighting global warming.”

The president, though, claimed there would be “very little difference” in emissions between the federal and California’s standard, but said cars “will be far safer and much less expensive.” He also predicted that a new national standard for fuel economy will result in more cars being produced by the U.S. and more jobs.

And here, President Trump is correct. Auto manufacturers are not going to start producing cars that get 4 miles to the gallon and generate a cloud of smoke so thick you could hide an aircraft carrier, just the opposite in fact. They know what their customers want. They want cars that go fast, and are good on gas. (Or can climb up an 80% incline in deep snow)

What this does is allow manufacturers breathing space so they can develop the engineering needed to give their customers what they want. Thanks to the idiocy of bother Kalifornistan and Federal regulators and their tendency to ignore things like the laws of physics, car manufacturers have been forced to rush things into production that they don’t feel are ready. This lead to major defects and safety issues. Of course, the regulators, Progressives and Moonbats didn’t and don’t care.

The move comes after the Justice Department recently opened an antitrust investigation into a deal between California and four automakers for tougher pollution and related mileage requirements than those sought by Trump.

Now that was something I hadn’t heard about. However, I can’t say I’m not at all surprised. The Progressives of Kalifornistan believe they are the law, not that they are subject to it the way we serfs and peons are.

Trump also has sought to relax Obama-era federal mileage standards nationwide, weakening a key effort by his Democratic predecessor to slow climate change.

“We embrace federalism and the role of the states, but federalism does not mean that one state can dictate standards for the nation,” EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler told the National Automobile Dealers Association Tuesday, adding that higher fuel economy standards would hurt consumers by increasing the average sticker price of new cars and requiring automakers to produce more electric vehicles.

When the Government started imposing mileage standards, they did so with no thought on how it would be accomplished. They also set arbitrary dates when the standards had to be met. The only way the manufacturers could reach these standards in the time allotted was to shave off weight. However, back then, that extra metal was also good at protecting people in accidents. Shaving metal made the cars a lot flimsier and many people were killed or injured as a result.

Since those days, manufacturers and engineers have found ways to make cars both lighter, safer and more fuel efficient. They fully intend to improve cars because that’s what the customers want. As for electric cars? They aren’t ready for prime time.

In cold climates, they are all but useless, since the batteries don’t hold a charge as well as they do in Kalifornistan, they don’t have the range of a standard car and it takes hours to recharge them. Someday, maybe, this will be different. Ordering manufacturers to produce crap does not win the manufacturers glad tidings from their customers.

Environmentalists condemned the Trump administration’s move, which comes as gasoline prices have crept higher following a weekend drone attack that hobbled Saudi Arabian oil output.

“Everyone wins when we adopt strong clean car standards as our public policy,” said Fred Krupp, president of Environmental Defense Fund. “Strong clean car standards give us healthier air to breathe, help protect us from the urgent threat of climate change and save Americans hundreds of dollars a year in gas expenses.”

A few things. The sudden price rise due to Iran’s attack have already come back down as speculators see that Saudi Arabia’s oil isn’t as critical as it once was. Also, President Trump didn’t order an immediate attack on Iran and chose to wait and see. He might still bomb them, but if/when he does, it will be when we’re ready and not because the Globalist Uniparty twerps demand it. (He will also make sure we win and they lose, both Iran and the Uniparty)

Next, what Krupp is really angry about is that he will no longer have any say in how car manufacturers go about their design and production time table. They will do it using actual science and engineering, not because some pointy headed moonbat Progressive is issuing orders that rival the 5 year plans in the old Soviet Union. Once again, President Trump is sticking it to Progressives and Kalifornistan.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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