Democrats start Impeachment hearings

Good day all. Well the Democrats have finally begun doing what they announced they would do November 9th 2016, Impeach President Trump. Like everything else they’ve been trying, this too will fail.

The current attempt to overturn the 2016 election results came about from a “Whistleblower” who filed a report that President Trump threatened the Ukraine unless they investigated from Vice President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden during a call in July. Almost immediately, the accusation by the “Whistleblower” began to fall apart.

It has since come out, although his identity isn’t known…yet, that he is a CIA analyst who supports one of the Democrat candidates. He also has no first hand knowledge of what was said on the call. He wasn’t listening to the call, he never heard a recording of the call and he never saw the transcript. He “Heard things.” (Voices in his head most likely)

This was all it took for the Democrats to announce that they were going to begin an impeachment hearings of President Trump. They also demanded that the transcript of the call be released. This is where the first wrench into the impeachment gears occurred. President Trump actually went and released the transcript and there was nothing in it regarding withholding aid from the Ukraine unless they investigated Hunter Biden. Then the president of the Ukraine, who actually spoke to President Trump went public and backed up the story that there was no such demand.

As to the actual report by the Deep State spy, people who have seen it have all remarked that it didn’t look like any report they had seen. It came across as being a legal document written by a lawyer. This has led to the suspicion that the whole thing is being orchestrated by Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler.

Once the transcript came out with the confirmation of the basics by the President of the Ukraine, this should have been the end of it, but, of course, it isn’t. The Democrats instantly announced that they were going to impeach President Trump. What they are ignoring, along with the Democrat Propaganda Service, (The former main Stream Media), is that what they are accusing President Trump of doing is exactly what former Vice President Joseph Biden did during the Obama administration, and which he publicly admitted to on camera.

What happens now you ask? That is a good question. The Democrats are making noises about being unified and that President Trump is evil and must be removed no matter what. However, outside of the Beltway bubble, real people are watching this and seeing for themselves that this whole whistle-blower report is very fishy. Those who know something of the law look at this and understand that this “report” would never be allowed into an actual courtroom. It’s unverifiable hearsay evidence.

Then there is the matter of Slow Joe Biden. He actually did what they are accusing President Trump of doing. His son Hunter was basically given a no show job, apparently with a few others from politically powerful families, and when the Ukrainian prosecutor began investigating the company and Biden for potential corruption charges, Biden demanded that the prosecutor be fired and the investigation shut down or a billion dollars in aid would be canceled.

The Democrats are completely ignoring this actual threat by a democrat vice president against a foreign government and are concentrating on a false accusation against the current president. Why? The simple reason is, they hate President Donald Trump and will do anything to get him out of office.

During the general election, Donald Trump was asked if he would accept the election results. He famously said “Maybe.” He was thinking about the Democrat’s usual vote rigging and fraud tactics. He was roundly insulted regarding this. Of course, back then, it was expected that Felonia von Pantsuit would be the next President.

When Donald Trump won the election, the Democrats went into shock and denial, and almost immediately, along with the Never Trumpers, began trying to first, keep Donald Trump from being sworn in, (By trying to get the electoral college to give the election to Felonia), and then by coming up with one false accusation after another. For three years it was “RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA!” and “COLLUSION!!” culminating in the Mueller Inquisition.

When that went bust and the report that was released, even with all the partisan caveats, showed that there was nothing to the accusations that President Trump was being controlled by Putin, they dragged Robert Mueller in to testify, even though he didn’t want to. The reasons for Mueller’s reticence became clear in minutes. He had no idea what was in the report, little idea of what was actually done and showed that he was nothing more then a figurehead while a group of partisan investigators tried to come up with anything they could use to Get Trump.

Now that the whistle-blower’s report is falling apart, the Democrats in the House are looking to get a vote for impeachment done as rapidly as possible. The reasons why they want this rammed through as fast is possible is simple. They do not want the American Public to have a chance to see the evidence, or lack there of. Here are a few details from the Washington Examiner:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made her position clear to rank-and-file Democrats this week when she announced her willingness to back a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump’s July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

We want this to be done expeditiously,” the California representative instructed Democrats. “Expeditiously.”

Pelosi and other Democrats want to ensure they are not left running an impeachment investigation the public doesn’t support, so they are acting quickly.

So, basically, they want to railroad this nonsense through the house as quickly as possible and hope it doesn’t affect the Democrats chances in 2020. Somehow, I dont’ think that’s going to work out the way they would like.

Democrats believe the new whistleblower charges are resonating with the public and increasing their desire to impeach Trump.

On what planet is this happening? Anyone who is following the story knows that the only person to actually do this was Vice President Joe Biden, and he admitted to it. With the release of the transcript, the confirmation of the transcript by the President of the Ukraine, and the fact that the Deep State Spy who filed this false statement, people know that President Trump did no such thing.

But they don’t know how long the public’s support for impeachment will last, and if they wait too long, it could become politically damaging to 2020 Democrats.

Voters are tired of prolonged investigations and a myriad of hearings,” pollster Ron Faucheux, president of the polling firm Clarus Research Group, told the Washington Examiner. “Politically, they should focus on the Ukraine affair, keep it simple, and do it as quickly as they can without looking rushed.”

Which Ukraine Affair are you referring to? The fake one the Democrats dreamed up against President Trump, or the real one carried out by Vice President Biden to keep his dumb kid out of jail?

Swing-district moderate Democrats have the most to fear when it comes to the public’s impeachment fatigue, and they want the party to zero in on the new whistleblower complaint rather than the wide-ranging investigations into the president that six committees have been conducting for the past year.

I am worried about it getting too broad,” said Rep. Abigail Spanberger.

And why are you so worried Comrade Democrat Representative?

The Virginia Democrat’s seat is one of the most vulnerable to a GOP takeover among House Democrats and is rated a “toss up” by the nonpartisan Cook Political Report.

Ah HA! You are afraid you will lose your phony baloney job and have to go out and find real work in 2021!

Pelosi appears eager to eliminate the other investigations and focus on the whistleblower allegations against Trump.

It is understandable to the public,” Pelosi told Democrats this week. “It has clarity in terms of what he did.”

Which was nothing, unlike what the Democrats did in the previous administration.

We have to strike while the iron is hot,” Pelosi told lawmakers, calling the new allegations against Trump “a national security issue.”

Of course, Pelosi is reading the polls, and we all know just how accurate the pollsters have been over the last few years. What Pelosi and the other idiots in the Democrat Party have failed to consider is that if they impeach Trump on a party line vote and send it to the Senate for trial, one of two things will happen.

It will be laughed out of the senate, or worse, they go through with the trial. If that happens, President Trump’s defense team can subpoena all the Democrats in the Obama Administration and force them to testify. They can ask questions regarding the fake dossier, Joe Biden’s actual threats against the Ukraine, force this whistleblower to testify, find out who helped him, who he got the information from, all sorts of fun things.

Then the vote will be taken and Trump will win again. The Democrats will be shown for what they are. Nothing more then a bunch of power-mad dictators who will do anything to get rid of President Trump and who flat out do not care about the rule of law or the nation. The election in 2020 is getting more interesting by the day. The worst case for the Democrats will be a blowout that makes what happened in 2010 look like a minor political shift


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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