Kalifornistan’s attempt to suppress GOP candidates fails

Good day all. About a month ago, the Kalifronistan Supreme Soviet decreed that anyone who wanted to run for President of the United States had to make their tax records public. This was in response to President Trump, then candidate Trump refusing to do so.

Since President Trump won and the preferred choice of the Kalifornistan Supreme Soviet, Felonia von Pantsuit, lost, the Ruling elite of Kalifornistan has lost it’s collectivist mind. They decided to pass a law that would require candidates to make their tax returns public or they would not be allowed on the ballot.

The Supreme Soviet forgot that when it comes to Presidential elections, the Constitution of the United States has the final say, and it makes no mention of candidates having to put up their 1040 forms for public review. When the bill was signed into law by the Party General Secretary Governor, it was promptly challenged in court. Here are the details from Fox News:

A federal judge in California Thursday granted the Trump campaign’s request to block a new law that requires presidential and gubernatorial candidates to release five years of tax returns to run in the state’s primary elections.

The law signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, in July would have left the sitting president off of the ballot in California’s March 2020 primary unless he submitted five years’ worth of his tax returns by a Nov. 26 deadline, the Los Angeles Times reported. Under SB 27, Trump would be included on the general election ballot in November 2020. Opponents of the law argue depressed GOP voter turnout in the primary could discourage voters from showing up to vote for the president in the main race.

That was considered a feature of the new law by the Kalifornistan CommuNazi party. They have been working to institute a full blown single party state for decades and they’ve just about accomplished that goal, with the obvious results being that the major cities of Kalifornistan now look like standard Turd World cities.

U.S. District Judge Morrison England Jr., who was appointed by President George W. Bush, said he would issue a final ruling by the end of the month. He said he handed down an initial order from the bench to prevent the “irreparable harm without temporary relief” for Trump and other candidates should the law go into effect, according to the Times.

The Constitution, a document that Progressives, Liberals, CommuNazis and Democrats, (But I’m repeating myself), routinely ignore, lays out the requirements to be elected president of the United States of America. Here is the section in question, Article II Section V:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Hmm, I don’t see anything about requiring a candidate to make his or her tax returns public. I suspect that when the full case is heard, the law will be tossed out as unconstitutional.

Thursday’s hearing consolidated five separate lawsuits filed against the state in response to SB 27. But Trump was the most high-profile defendant. Some argue the law was politically motivated and was conjured up by Democrats who are leading a widespread push to force the president to turn over his tax returns.

The elephant in the room is President Trump’s tax returns — that’s what this is about,” England said during the hearing in Sacramento. “But it does have implications that are far-reaching.”

Lawyers from the state and national Republican parties also argued that the U.S. Constitution, not states, sets the qualifications to run for president and that a federal law requiring candidates to release financial information supersedes the state’s power to seek additional details.

I don’t care how you skin the cat, it’s an unconstitutional law,” Harmeet Dhillon, who represented the state and national Republican parties, said during the hearing. Lawyers also argued the law sets a dangerous precedent and could lead to candidates being forced to release medical records or college transcripts in order to be able to qualify to run for office.

And Kalifornistan’s Supreme Soviet believes that what they want matters and what the laws and Constitution say don’t.

The state’s attorneys said it’s within California’s power to regulate its primary elections.

Now here’s an interesting conundrum. The primary system is, at it’s basic level, the means that political parties uses to select their candidates for office. Normally, only those who are members of the party may vote in a primary. Recently, Kalifornistan decided to further render the Republican Party a non-entity by creating the “Jungle Primary” system. Whoever the two top vote winners were would face off in the general election. Since the Republican Party is a minority party, (And Democrats hate Minorities unless they support the Democrats), a Republican has almost no chance of winning.

Under California’s so-called jungle primary system, all candidates, regardless of party, vie for the same elected office and the top two vote-getters move on to the general election. Since it was implemented in California in 2010, this system has often ensured a Democrat-on-Democrat general election battle in all but California’s most conservative areas. Depressed GOP turnout in primaries could mean even fewer Republicans move on to general elections.

And the CommuNazis consider that a feature, not a problem. The end game of the Democrat Party is to get Trump by any means necessary, regardless of the law or Constitution, and to institute a single party state at the federal level. They aren’t saying this generally, but listening to the Democrat candidates and what they are planning tells you all you need to know. They want absolute power and will do anything and destroy anyone who stand in their way. This is why elections matter.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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