Mad Maxine’s paranoia increases

Good day all. It’s been a while since I wrote about Mad Maxine Waters increasing levels of stupidity. It’s usually to hard to keep up with her rants and screeches. However, we have a new one that ties into the CommuNazis latest attempt to overturn the 2016 election.

Mad Maxine is now accusing the Vice President and the Attorney general of conspiracy with regards to the Ukraine. Here are the details of this moronic moonbat’s delusions from Buzzfeed:

Rep. Maxine Waters, one of the six Democratic committee chairs leading the House’s impeachment investigation, told BuzzFeed News’ AM to DM on Friday that she believes both Attorney General Bill Barr and Vice President Mike Pence were involved in President Donald Trump’s attempts to pressure Ukraine for information on former vice president Joe Biden.

Mad Maxine’s delusions really should force her removal from her committee leadership positions. Actually she should be committed to a mental institution. Her levels of insanity really need some serious medication.

Waters, a longtime critic of President Donald Trump and an advocate for impeachment, chairs the House Financial Services Committee, which has been looking into Trump’s finances and will have a say on what articles of impeachment the House pursues against the president, should the investigation move forward.

Mad Maxine’s hatred started during the election, although she wasn’t to far over the edge then. She, like all the CommuNazi Progressives thought that Felonia von Pantsuit was going to win the election. She hit peak hatred on November 9th 2016 and has stayed there ever since. As to whether or not she will recommend impeachment? You are joking right? This is the same person who was telling her constituents to physically assault Trump supporters. (She should have been expelled from congress then and criminally charged, but she’s one of the “Special People”)

Both Barr and Pence are named in a whistleblower complaint alleging Trump abused his office in a conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in which Trump repeatedly asked the Ukrainian leader to help investigate Biden ahead of the 2020 election. But the involvement of Barr and Pence is less clear.

How about no involvement? That whistleblower report has already been discredited, and now there is the beginnings of a discussion regarding where all this came from. Some are flat out accusing Adam Schiff of manufacturing this fraudulent accusation. We already know that the accuser never saw the transcript, was not present for the call and has no first hand information on the call in question.

They’re all involved. … First of all, we have seen that no matter what the president does, they come up with a kind of messaging to defend him. No matter what it is, none of them have had the courage, the patriotism, or the guts to stand up for what is right for our country. So I expect that Pence is part of this conspiracy to try to get Ukraine to do something in a fake investigation and come out with some dirt on Biden,” Waters said. “So I’m looking forward to that coming out in the hearings that will be done by the Judiciary Committee as they take up the impeachment resolution.”

Mad Maxine’s remarks are right out of the Paranoids Guide to Conspiracy Theories.

Justice Department spokesperson Kerri Kupec said in a statement earlier this week that Barr never had a conversation with Ukrainian officials about Biden or “any other subject,” that Trump did not ask him to help investigate Biden, and that he did not know about the call until weeks after it happened.

For Mad Maxine, facts and reality have never been important to her, only what she regards as “The Truth!”

But Waters told AM to DM on Friday morning that she believes that Barr is “not a credible human being” and that he is “willing to do whatever it takes to protect the president.”

I know given what he’s done in the past that he’s guilty of being involved in either assisting Giuliani or doing other kinds of things to try and get the Ukraine and the president to come out with dirt on Biden,” she said, adding that Congress will “find out more information about him as the Judiciary Committee takes up the impeachment resolution” against Trump.

I think Mad Maxine’s plan is to remove everyone in the Trump Administration and put a Democrat, (Preferably herself), in the oval office.

Waters said that Democrats have agreed that they need to “move very quickly” on impeachment while the public is focused on the Ukraine story, adding that she and other committee chairs believe they can finish their work “before the year is out.”

Work? What work? You haven’t done a lick of work since the CommuNazis scammed their way into the majority in the House of Representatives last year. Here is the real reason they want to ram this through as fast as possible. Right now, people really aren’t paying attention to anything in Washington other than people who are political junkies. (Myself included) Once they start paying attention, they will quickly realize that the Democrats sole goal since the 2016 Election has been to over turn it.

Personally, I have little doubt that the House will impeach President Trump. They might even shave off a couple of weak kneed RINO’s for cover. However, the Senate Republicans will blow this right out of the water, and President Trump will probably be reelected. Worse from the Democrats point of view, their antics are turning off many people who might have voted for them, and they will probably lose the House and a number of seats in the senate, all thanks to the insane rantings of people like Mad Maxine Waters.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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