New York City repeals 1st Amendment

Good day all. With all the news coming out on the Democrats plans to overthrow the elected government of the United States, this little gem from the New York City Commission on Human Rights was overlooked.

It seems that this commission has a serious issue with freedom of speech, and has decreed that referring to anyone as an “Illegal Alien” is henceforth illegal and using these words may get you a fine of up to $250,000.00. Here are the details of this idiocy from Fox News:

New York City’s Commission on Human Rights announced on Thursday that residents could face up to $250,000 in fines if they use terms such as “illegal alien … with intent to demean, humiliate or harass a person.”

“Hate has no place here,” a tweet from the City of New York read. The city’s announcement ticked off a list of offensive ways to address immigrants — including threatening to call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), or harassing someone for their “limited English proficiency.”

“Threatening to call ICE when motivated by discrimination, derogatory use of the term ‘illegal alien,’ and discrimination based on limited English proficiency are unlawful discriminatory treatment under the NYC Human Rights Law,” the announcement read.

And the penalty for using “Badspeak?”

“Fines of up to $250,000 can be assessed for each act of willful discrimination, and damages are available to complainants,” the city said.

Yeah, good luck with that one comrade. This is a flat out violation of the 1st Amendment, not to mention having some serious issues with federal statutes regarding illegal aliens. Oh wait! I broke the law!! Oh woe is me!! I am going to be punished for using forbidden words now.

New Yorkers could also face fines if they use similar language towards a lawful resident or citizen whom they perceive to be in the country illegally.

“The NYC Commission on Human Rights … defines discrimination on the basis of perceived or actual immigration status and national origin under the New York City Human Rights Law in public accommodation, employment, and housing,” the announcement read.

All I can say is, good luck enforcing that! I expect a court challenge to be filed in fairly short order, not that these totalitarian thugs seem to understand that freedom of speech is sacrosanct, and that includes insulting people.

The Commission on Human Rights has a history of censoring speech it deemed harmful. Composed of political appointees, the committee previously enacted a ban on employers and landlords using gender pronouns other than those preferred by employees and tenants. Violations of those regulations similarly carried a $250,000 fine if the offenders engaged in “willful, wanton, or malicious conduct.”

And these speech codes should be uniformly ignored and frankly, the federal courts should step in a basically shut this group down hard. I wonder if the American Civil Liberties Union, which once actually cared about people’s freedom to speak their minds is going to step in and sue the pants off this commission of scum? I suspect not of course. The ACLU went hard left long ago, (Like the day they were founded), and is no longer concerned with the Constitution.

What this is, is just another move by the Progressive Totalitarian left to end the United States as a free, sovereign nation and institute the absolute rule by the Progressive elites. I really want to see someone hit under this garbage. They might find a friendly judge in New York, but this will very quickly hit the federal courts if they actually try and enforce this manure.

The Democrats don’t even pretend anymore that they believe in the Constitution of the United States of America, their oaths of office, or individual rights. They have flat out stated they intend to revoke pretty much everything in the Bill of Rights and punish anyone that disagrees with them. And they wonder why people are worried about a possible second Civil War.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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