Call to remove No Nads Nadler from Judiciary committee

Good day all. Since the house went back to the Democrats, the various committee chairmen/women/whatever have been going after President Trump. One of the worst offenders has been Jerry Nadler.

No Nads Nadler absolutely hates Donald Trump, and this hatred goes back decades. Now No Nads is using his position to attempt to overthrow the elected president of the United States, and is perfectly willing to ignore the rules of the House of Representatives, the Law and the Constitution to do it. Now a resolution to remove No Nads from his position on the Judiciary Committee has been put firth. Here are the details from Fox News:

A Republican congressman introduced a resolution on Tuesday calling for the ouster of House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., from his panel post for pursuing impeachment proceedings against President Trump.

Lance Gooden, R-Texas, said in a release that Nadler has acted against the will of the House of Representatives, which never gave his committee explicit authorization to begin impeachment proceedings. The body voted 332-95 in July to table an impeachment resolution from Rep. Al Green, D-Texas.

“This attempted coup against a duly elected, sitting president is unprecedented and must be stopped,” Gooden said. “I urge the majority to move immediately to have him stripped of his chairmanship and that any accomplices on the Judiciary Committee not be considered as a replacement.”

Sadly, this resolution won’t go anywhere. The House is controlled by the Democrats and they will not do anything to one of their own, especially since they are all of one mind. “GET TRUMP!”

Nadler and fellow Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee have been investigating Trump as part of what they’ve called impeachment proceedings. Notably, Nadler hauled Trump’s former 2016 campaign manager, Cory Lewandowski, in front of his committee last week for a combative five hours of testimony related to possible impeachable behavior by the president.

Yeah, like the Mueller testimony, it blew up in the Democrats faces like a 500lbs bomb.

Gooden said Nadler is the one defying the law.

“In recent days, Democrats have sanctimoniously declared their allegiance to the rule of law,” Gooden said. “I encourage them to follow those rules and hold Chairman Nadler accountable for breaking them.”

They won’t. The Democrats long ago walked away from the Rule of Law and the Constitution. For them it’s all about power, gaining and maintaining it at all costs. If the Democrats succeed in winning the presidency and the senate in 2020, you can say goodbye to your rights and freedoms. No Nads Nadler is nothing more then an example of what they will do to anyone who stands against them and the deep state. He should be removed from his position, if the Democrats truly believed in the constitution and the law. That they won’t should tell you what they have in store for America.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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