Now admiring Tom Brady makes you a white supremacist

Good day all. Anger Central is located in the North Eastern United States. The New England Patriots are our preferred Football Team, (Not withstanding the Angry Brother’s family’s misguided choice of rooting for the Raiders), and currently, Tom Brady is the quarterback.

I am not a hardcore fan. I like to watch an occasional game and I do like to watch the Superbowl. The last few years, this means watching Tom Brady and the Patriots beat the crap out of whoever they are opposing. Well, now some moonbat professor has decreed that if you support Tom Brady, you are a white supremacist. Here are the some of the details from Fox News:

Kyle Kusz, a kinesiology professor at the University of Rhode Island, published a book this month titled “Making American White Men Great Again: Tom Brady, Donald Trump, and the Allure of White Male Omnipotence in Post-Obama America.” He theorized that Brady became popular due to the rise of “white rage and white supremacy,” according to Campus Reform.

Of course, I had to do some research regarding this blithering idiot. First, I looked up Kinesiology. According to Wikipedia, this is the study of human and non-human movement. What that has to do with anything this loser wrote about is beyond me. Second, I looked up this Kyle Kusz. Yep, just another ivory tower Progressive who wouldn’t last 24 hours in the real world. In other words, he’s just another failure that today’s universities think are simply wonderful instructors.

Getting back to this moonbat’s book…

Brady’s relationship with the media and President Trump is analyzed in the book, according to Campus Reform. The professor highlights a 2015 Under Armour commercial which depicts thousands of Tom Bradys working out and tells the audience to “Rule Yourself.” Kusz says the commercial “would not seem out of place in Leni Reifenstahl’s infamous Nazi propaganda film, ‘Triumph des willens.’”

Kusz told Campus Reform it was the specific commercial from 2015 which drove him to analyze Brady further.

Oh this should be good. I always like the explanations fruitcakes come up with.

I decided to research Trump and Brady’s public performances of their white masculinities and how they connect with broader debates about race and gender politics after a student in one of my classes brought the Under Armour commercial to my attention and it piqued my interest,” he said.

I don’t even remember that commercial. Of course, I tend to fast forward through commercials anyway. I really doubt that anyone involved with that commercial thought about anything other then selling the product and making a pile of money. Of course, in the twisted mind that is your normal Progressive college professor, everything is racist unless it’s designated by them as not racist, such as going to the Kentucky Derby.

Kusz also hammers home the point of who Brady surrounds himself with outside football, specifically with who he takes to the Kentucky Derby with each year. He told the website that because he brings mostly white teammates with him to the event it “tells a more particular story about the racial company he chooses to keep.”

It is a vision of Brady as a wealthy, white man who unapologetically enjoys, and has even made a habit out of, spending time with other wealthy white men who treasure time ‘with the boys’ over all others,” he said. Going to the Derby, Kusz added, “suggests his performance of white masculinity shares much in common with President Trump’s” because most of the Derby’s attendees include elite white people.

I have a strong suspicion that this wimp has never watched, let alone attended the Kentucky Derby. Maybe 70+ years ago, it may have been that way, but hey, guess what? The times, they have changed. You do see a lot of people in period costumes, however, you see many different types of people attending. Some of them have skin that is light in color, dark in color or rather golden in color. None of them care. They’re all dressed to the nines and having a great time. The only “Race” they see is Human. (And possibly equine)

The professor, a New York native who received a doctorate from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, also cites Brady’s failure to denounce Trump and his intense diet as evidence of how his “white masculinity is repeatedly constructed.”

Ohh! He hasn’t denounced President Trump!! EVIL!! Burn the heretic!! Here’s the real reason Tom Brady is popular. He wins and Americans love a winner. We don’t like loses and it’s obvious that this waste of oxygen is a complete and utter loser. This clown isn’t even writing about his own field of study. He’s just writing garbage because he is nothing more then a pussy-whipped wimp.

If Tom Brady ever confronted Kusz, that twerp would collapse like an a cheap suit. Brady wouldn’t even need to lay a hand on him, (And wouldn’t since he doesn’t care to soil his hands on piles of manure if he doesn’t have to), one look and this jerk would run screaming for his safe space and therapy puppy.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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