Boston Marathon bomber is suffering, boo hoo

Good day all. Back in April 2013 during the Boston Marathon, two prize winning Islamic dirtbags set off a pair of pressure cooker IED’s (Bombs) These bombs killed 3 people and wounded hundreds. Eventually one of the bombers was killed, (After being run over by the other one), and the second was captured tried and sent to prison.

The surviving terrorist, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was caught, tried, convicted and sentenced to death. However, an appeals court made up of Obama and Clinton judges with a smattering of Bush judges, decided that wasting this scumbag was not fair to the scumbag and the sentence was reduced life imprisonment. Now the dirtbag is complaining that he is being mistreated and is suing. Here are some of the details from CBSN Boston:

Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has filed a lawsuit over his treatment at a supermax prison. The hand-written complaint, originally filed in January, was amended March 5. Among other things, Tsarnaev claims the defendants – which include BOP, the company that administers the prison and Attorney General Merrick Garland – are interfering with his ability to communicate with his family, placing a hold on his money and hurting his chances of avoiding a death sentence.

Interesting that he named soon to be failed Attorney General Garland. He was just confirmed, sadly, a week ago and hasn’t even moved his stuff into his office yet. As to everything else? So sad, to bad, sucks to be you. In case you didn’t know scumbag, supermax prisons are not noted for their golf courses and prison tennis courts.

A federal appeals court threw out Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s death sentence, saying the judge who oversaw the case did not adequately screen jurors for potential biases.

The scumbag was found guilty, and then they decided to fry his ass in old Sparky. He’s still guilty and frankly, in the “Olden days” before stupid judges, he would have already been taking the long dirt nap by now.

A three-judge panel of the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ordered a new penalty-phase trial on whether the 27-year-old Tsarnaev should be executed.

And at least one of those judges, if not all three, (I can’t be bothered to check), is an Obama judge. Those bozos are not noted, in general, for paying any attention to the Constitution of the United States, let alone understanding that it is designed to limit the powers of government. At least they made it possible to correct their mistake and give the lower court another chance to fry this loser.

Tsarnaev says the defendants are violating his First Amendment rights and interfering with his chance to avoid the death penalty by not allowing him to send hobby crafts through the mail to his legal counsel. This constructive behavior, he claimed in the filing, could provide mitigating evidence as prosecutors seek to have the death penalty reinstated. He said the restrictions also interfere with the development of a relationship between him and his defending counsel.

Since 2013, Tsarnaev has been subject to special administrative measures (SAMs) due to his “proclivity to violence,” which may restrict privileges in prison. SAMs must be reviewed and renewed each year.

Setting off bombs and murdering people does indicate that the scumsucking fornicator of underage pigs does have a proclivity towards violence.

Tsarnaev claims he has been not been permitted to send photographs to his family since 2019 and that due to the restrictions, “I am suffering psychological injury, emotional distress and destruction of my familial relationships.”

Aww, isn’t that just to bad? He can’t send pictures to his family of terrorist unindicted co-conspirators. My heart is breaking at the horror of this…NOT!

He also claimed he is allowed to have visits with his nieces and nephews but is not allowed to call or write to them, which he said is cruel and unusual punishment. He is allowed to speak to his parents and sisters by phone twice a month.

Hello? Convicted Terrorist! Your “Rights” have been significantly reduced after you were convicted on ALL CHARGES.

He said he was issued a face mask due to the COVID-19 pandemic and was reported when the face mask was missing a metal nosepiece. Tsarnaev said the mask was manufactured without the nosepiece and inclusion of the incident as a reason for special administrative measures violated his Fifth Amendment right to due process.

In case you hadn’t noticed, most people are wearing masks, when forced to by the fascist totalitarian Progressive Liberal Fascist Democrats, are wearing ones that do not have metal nose pieces, including the ones I am forced to wear.

Tsarnaev also said that on March 1 an administrative hold was placed on about $2,300 in his account. He said the money was made unavailable because it was sent to him by people not approved in the SAMs.

I don’t know how those rules work, however they are in place for a reason, one of which is that you are a convicted criminal and most of your rights have been revoked. Now if you complete your sentence, then yes, you regain those rights, however, I don’t see that happening since the plan is for you to die in prison, preferably sooner then later.

He also claimed that his property – a white baseball cap and a bandana purchased from the commissary – were seized as contraband.

What part of “Convicted Criminal” are you not understanding dirtbag? The prison authorities can do pretty much whatever they want to you within the law. This includes determining what you are allowed to have in your possession.

Tsarnaev said he has been in a restrictive unit of the prison since 2015 and has been denied having the restrictions relaxed.

You are in a Supermax prison. By rights you should be cooling your heels on death row, and hopefully that transfer will take place in short order. What I find interesting about all this is that the scumbag wrote this out himself, and his lawyer had nothing to do with it. I suspect that he or she knows what a waste of time it is, and that a judge will toss it in short order. As to his being in a Supermax, they did this for two reasons. First, obviously, is punishment. The second is to keep this little punk alive until they get permission to execute him. Putting him into the general population would probably mean the death sentence that was vacated might be carried out anyway. Hmmm, perhaps he should be move back to general population?


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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