Now playing to a nation near you, the most corrupt Administration ever!

Good day all. The United States has had some bad administrations over the centuries. Some have been incompetent, some have had crooks in them. Now we are looking at the most corrupt administration ever.

It’s been known for some time that Dementia Joe had used his office to enrich himself, using his crack head son, Hoovernose as a go between. Now it seems that the Fake President and those around him intend to make this maladministration the poster child for corruption. Here are the details from Fox Business:

When he was running for office, President Biden’s campaign vowed to hold companies accountable for their roles in the opioid crises, but now one of his Justice Department nominees is linked to a firm whose product was reportedly sold to Mexican drug cartels.

According to an August 2020 Bloomberg report, American company Avantor sold acetic anhydride to cartels that used it to make high-grade “china white” heroin and methamphetamine. Biden’s pick for associate attorney general, Vanita Gupta, owns between $11 million and $55 million in the company’s stock, according to her financial disclosure form as reported by ABC News.

The problem with this, besides the obvious, is that this person would be dealing with investigating and prosecuting the drug cartels and those who are supplying them. Instead, it looks like Gupta is working for the cartels.

Gupta’s father, Raj Gupta, is the chairman of the board of Avantor. Vanita Gupta has agreed not to participate in any matters having to do with companies in which her family has financial interests or in which her father holds leadership positions.

And if you believe that, I have this very nice bridge in San Francisco you might be interested in purchasing. The problem here is that the Republicans seemed to have completely missed what a potentially massive conflict of interest Gupta has. Instead, they’ve been concentrating on her rather big mouth.

Gupta’s nomination saw opposition from a number of Republicans for reasons completely separate from her business ties. At her confirmation hearing, Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, all brought up inflammatory remarks she had made in the past about Republicans.

I think we have a lot more to worry about from this woman other then the fact she is a hateful bitch. (She’s a Progressive Liberal Elitist. It goes without saying that she is a hateful bitch) I want to know if she is willing to investigate her own family and how they are supplying the drug cartels. She won’t of course, and frankly, I expect her to actively protect them.

The Taft administration, the Grant Administration, Nixon, these are some of the more corrupt administrations in out history. In the cases of President Taft and President Grant, they were not personally corrupt, but had people who were crooked. Nixon and his people weren’t corrupt in the sense of trying to enrich themselves, they were looking for power. (How democratic party of them)

Now we have an administration that is corrupt from the top to the bottom in every way possible. They are looking to enrich themselves in any way possible and they are looking for more power to wield over the nation. Not one of them gives a damn about America, the Rule of Law or the Constitution. History will list the Harris/Biden administration as arguably the most corrupt in American ever.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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