Virginia State Delegate Nick Freitas responds to Democrats

Good day all. This has been memory holed by the Communazi Propaganda Corps, and you will soon see why. Nick Freitas is a Republican member of the Virginia House of Delegates. Since the Republicans basically blew out the Communazis in their recent election, they have been resorting to their usual way of dealing with people who might disagree with their beliefs.

They have not been, as one would hope, been talking about why the Democratic Communazi agenda is better than the Republican agenda. (It isn’t) Since the Democratic Communazis know that the people have turned on them, they have restored to their usual means of debate. They have been throwing insults and accusations of everything at the GOP.

This has been occurring all over the country as the Communazi agenda to turn America into a single party socialist totalitarian state blows up in their faces. For decades the “Party of Stupid” as the Republicans are, not inaccurately, known, have always refused to fight back.

We saw this happen with Both Bushes, (George HW and George W), when they were hammered by the Democrats. GOP candidates such as Bob Dole, John McSlime McCain and Mittens Romney were all hammered by the Democrats and refused to fight back. This also filtered down to the state and local GOP officer holders. Then we saw the arrival of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump.

President Trump was not part of the Country Club RINO Establishment, and he flat out didn’t care what the “Proper” way of doing things, per the GOP(e), was. If someone went after President Trump, he would hit back and twice as hard. This caught the Deep State and the MSM off guard big time.

It also started a new trend in the GOP. As the party leader, President Trump brought in like minded individuals who flat out didn’t care what the Deep State wanted. They considered themselves the representatives of their states and districts and they would put their constituents first. These people came in to office perfectly willing to work with the Democrats. The problem was the Democrats are Communazis and as far as they were concerned These people were vermin and should be treated as such.


When the voters, (Those who are alive, or not brainwashed moonbats), told the Democrats that they didn’t want what the Democrats were shoving down their throats, the Democrats ignored them. The response was predictable. They Communazis were slaughtered in the down ticket races and are looking at a complete massacre in November.

This has led them to return to their favored tactics of insults and threats against the Republicans. Unfortunately for the Communazis, these are not the Republicans of the ilk of Mayonnaise Mitt Romney or Cocaine Mitch McConnell. (Noted spineless squish Lindsey Graham currently has his finger in the air to determine which way the wind is blowing. He will come out with a position as soon as he sees where everyone else is going)

The new Republicans are MAGA hat wearing, gun carrying, American flag waving patriots and they have decided they are not going to put up with this crap from the Progressive Liberal Democratic Communazis any longer. This brings is to Delegate Nick Freitas. He recently responded to the usual Democrat insults by telling them, and the world, that he was not going to be “Mr. Nice Guy” any longer. Here is the video of his speech on the floor of the House of Delegates:

I suspect that the Democratic Communazis were a bit shocked at what they heard. They have been so used to people backing down when they accuse them of being racists, sexists, misogynists, anti-science or whatever they needed to use that someone getting in their face, so to speak and telling them that “We’re not going to play this game any more.”

Now we will see “The usual suspects” decrying the change in demeanor of the new Republicans. Many of those people will be current office holders. I expect that a great number of them over the next couple of elections are going to become “Former” office holders as they find out that their constituents are sick and tired of them. The Deplorables are increasing in numbers and are going to take back the country from the Deep State Uniparty elites.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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