Sometimes, there is justice in the world, CEO of Pfizer contracts Covid twice

Good day all. The Fauci Bioweapon, known by it’s code name of Covid-19, has pretty much run it’s course. It was never as bad as they made it out to be. We will never know the actual number of fatalities due to the games played with the statistics by the CDC and WHO. However, the China Virus did help the bottom line of Big Pharma.

One of the Big Pharma companies is Pfizer. They make the vaccine and boosters that those who took the shots, or were forced to on pain of unemployment. When the vaccines were first released, people were told “2 shots and you will be protected forever.” Then it was “2 shots and a booster.” Now I think we’re up to a booster every few months.

Even then, the vaccines and boosters don’t actually work very well, or at all. We see many people, shot full of vaccines and boosters contracting the Fauci Bioweapon, not once, but multiple times. Now we can include the CEO of Pfizer in that category. Here are the details from Fox Business News:

Pfizer Chairman and CEO Albert Bourla on Saturday said that has tested positive for COVID-19 for the second time in less than two months.

Bourla, who heads the company that helped to create the widely used Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine, said he was feeling well and symptom-free.

“I’ve not had the new bivalent booster yet, as I was following CDC guidelines to wait 3 months since my previous COVID case, which was back in mid-August,” Bourla said.

“While we’ve made great progress, the virus is still with us,” Bourla added.

It will always be with us. However, it’s also weakening to the point that the latest variants are about as bad as a mild head cold. Even the original variant wasn’t that bad for people who didn’t fit the at risk profile or have some sort of preexisting condition. I contracted the bioweapon early on, and She Who Must Be Obeyed contracted it last year. We were both miserable for a couple of weeks, then we got better.

In fact, when SWMBO was ill, I didn’t get sick a second time. Why? Something the CDC, the WHO and Big Pharma not only won’t speak about, they have actively suppressed. It’s called “Natural Immunity.” It’s going to take a few years, but eventually the truth about Covid-19 will come out. As for the Pfizer CEO? Might I suggest skipping the boosters from now on and using the old tried and true cure. Chicken Soup.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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