With all the news, it’s hard to keep up, more Twitter dumps

Good day all. It’s been a very hectic few days for me. As you saw in the post by the Angry Systems Administrator, We have lost access to our images on Pinterest. We have opened a case with them and they are “Looking into it.” Meanwhile, instead of preparing posts, we have been trying to recover the images.

Originally, we thought we had recovered them all. It turns out all we got were thumbnails. We have been spending the last two days going through each and every post we made after we started using Pinterest and copying the images from there. (Past images are available in full size) I’ve gone through about 18 months of posts. Thankfully, I reuse a lot of images. It’s finding the “One Off’s” that is a bear. Sadly, if Pinterest locks us out, I’ll lose my templates. Those will be a pain to duplicate.

Add to that, Elon Musk and his team have been dropping more data from the Twitter Files. I’ve got commentary on Parts 2 and 3, and had started on a commentary on Part 4. During the day, I saw that Part 5 had dropped. If that wasn’t enough, Musk announced his personal pronouns as Prosecute/Fauci. This caused the Usual Suspects” to go off the proverbial “Deep End.”

Another tweet from Musk was inviting Doctor Jay Bhattacharya of the Great Barrington Declaration to come in and review all the data on suppression of him and anyone else who deviated from the decrees from Fauci and the CDC. I haven’t had a chance to even look at that story other then a quick browse.

Since my Real World Job has absolute priority of the Blog, I don’t do any work on it, Since I do read news during slow periods, I use Firefox Pocket thing to save them for later review. Well, I thought I would just knock off a quick update. I may not get anything major done until the weekend. I am off most of next week at least. I may catch up if things haven’t move to far along.


What was I saying about to much news? The news just broke that FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried arrested in Bahamas and that the United States will seek his extradition. So much for his testifying to Congress. (Why do I smell a coverup in the offing? Will he be Arkancided?)


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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