Smith & Wesson flees the tyranny of Massachusetts, sets up in Tennessee

Good day all. It’s no secret that the People’s Democratic Republic of Taxachusetts is militantly anti-2nd amendment. What a lot of people don’t know is that Massachusetts has, or had a large number of gun makers based in it.

One of these companies, Smith & Wesson, has been based in Massachusetts for 170 years, providing firearms for American civilians, law enforcement and the military. They also provided a number of high paying manufacturing jobs. Not any more. Smith & Wesson has closed their Massachusett Headquarters and relocated to Tennessee. Here are the details from Fox Business News:

Firearm manufacturer Smith & Wesson officially moved its headquarters from New England to Tennessee, earning praise from the NRA. 

“Congratulations to Smith & Wesson on their grand opening in Tennessee. This move is a testament to their enduring legacy, their commitment to firearm excellence, and to the importance of preserving America’s gun industry and Second Amendment rights in a fair environment,” NRA Executive Director of Advancement Tyler Schropp told Fox News Digital in an exclusive comment. 

I’m sure the resident of Tennessee are happy with the manufacturing jobs and the increased tax base S&W will be bringing into the state.

Smith & Wesson was established in 1852 in Connecticut before it soon moved its headquarters to Springfield, Massachusetts. Now, the firearm manufacturer calls Maryville, Tennessee, home after holding a ribbon-cutting ceremony Saturday at its new 650,000-square feet headquarters. 

“From where I stand, the next 170 years of Smith & Wesson are looking pretty good,” Smith & Wesson President and CEO Mark Smith said Saturday, according to The Daily Times. “It is something special here in Tennessee.”

That is a lot of floor space for manufacturing. Considering that gun sales of late have been running at over 1 million guns a month, they probably needed the additional space and the new machines to make their products.

Smith touted state gun laws and his close work with local leaders for the move to Tennessee, describing the relocation as “seamless.” Democrat-led Massachusetts has some of the most strict gun laws in the U.S., while Republican-led Tennessee has expanded gun laws in recent years, including approving permitless carry in 2021. 

First a few things. I am a stock holder and own shares in Smith & Wesson’s holding company. It’s not a lot, but I need to be honest. Second, this is going to hurt Massachusetts’s bottom line. All those high paying jobs that the Taxholes of Massachusetts rob to the tune of 5% has just gone bye bye. (Tennessee is one of the states with no state income tax) Then there is all the other taxes and fees the state won’t be collecting any longer.

Now there has been a few negative reactions to S&W’s move to Tennessee. I’ve mentioned before an actress I follow on Instagoop, mostly to see what she’s doing professionally. She is a classic California moonbat and has been quite loud pushing leftist trash including saying the 2nd Amendment is archaic and needs to go away. (When she gets political she shows that she really isn’t all that smart) She posted something about Smith & Wesson, showing she was unhappy and I just skipped past it.

For the most part, I think the people of Tennessee are quite happy to welcome yet another refugee from one of the Communist Blue states. There are going to be a lot of high paying jobs once the lines are up and running and the tax base is going to widen significantly with causing any increases. In all, it’s generally a win win for Tennessee and a total loss for Taxachusetts.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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