Marine tells off U.S. Congressman Brian Baird

This has started going viral on the net, so of course I want to fan the flames as it were. What we have hgere is a former Marine basically telling off  U.S. Congressman Brian Baird during a Town Hall meeting. The money shot, and there were many, was this Marine saying that Speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi should start looking for swastikas on her own sleeve.

Watch and enjoy one of America’s finest.

Now you are seeing the reason so many Democrats want to go back to a conscript military. The United States military is the best trained, and more importantly, the best educated in history. These fine men and women know the history of this nation and they won’t put up with the crap these slimy turds in Washington are trying to force feed us. The slimeballs on the left can’t tolerate that, so they want to conscript sullen, uneducated cannon fodder who will just do what their told so they can get out as quickly as they can.

Semper Fi Marine! You tell him!

And from the grateful part of this nation, Thank you!

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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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5 Responses to Marine tells off U.S. Congressman Brian Baird

  1. Marine tells off U.S. Congressman Brian Baird – #angercentralarchives

  2. Marine tells off U.S. Congressman Brian Baird – #angercentralarchives

  3. Marine tells off U.S. Congressman Brian Baird – #angercentralarchives

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