Surprising no one, Special Counsel won’t charge Biden, BUT…

Good day all. This came out Thursday and I didn’t see it until much later. The Special Counsel, Robert Hur, has completed his investigation into Joe Biden’s long history of stealing classified documents. Not surprising anyone, he decided he wouldn’t recommend criminal charges be brought against him.

However, before you start screaming about the two-tier justice system, (Which does exist), one of the reasons that Hur chose not recommend prosecuting Biden was his mental state. He all but said that Joe Biden is NOT mentally competent to participate in any criminal defense. Here are the details from Fox News:

Special Counsel Robert Hur will not recommend criminal charges against President Biden for mishandling classified documents, according to his report after a months-long investigation into the president’s alleged improper retention of classified records. 

“We conclude that no criminal charges are warranted in this matter,” the report states. “We would reach the same conclusion even if the Department of Justice policy did not foreclose criminal charges against a sitting president.”

First, you can bet that this is going to be brought up by President Trump’s defense team. Joe Biden had no legal reason or authority to have any of those documents in his possession. President Trump had the absolute right to declassify any document, including nuclear defense secrets. (Not that he would, but he could) However, it was Robert Hur’s comments on why he thinks prosecuting Biden shouldn’t happen.

The special counsel also described Biden as “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” 

“We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” Hur wrote in the report. “Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone from whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt. It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him—by then a former president well into his eighties—of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.”

In the immortal words of anyone, WOW! The Special Counsel just said that Biden was mentally incompetent and only going to get worse. He also said that Biden basically did break the law.

But Hur said his investigation “uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.”

And that is, I believe, a violation of the espionage act and good for a few decades in a federal prison.

The materials included “marked classified documents about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan, and notebooks containing Mr. Biden’s handwritten entries about issues of national security and foreign policy implicating sensitive intelligence sources and methods.” 

Hur said FBI agents recovered the materials from “the garages, offices, and basement den in Mr. Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware home.” 

Since this first came out, pictures of the boxes of papers and their locations have been posted, and they are damning. The physical differences between the documents that the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, had and how the dementia case had them stored is massive. All the documents President Trump had were locked up in a secured room with video surveillance and armed federal agents on duty. Dementia Joe had his in the garage, his office, closets in office buildings, basically all over the place. With all this, Robert Hur still gave Biden a pass.

But Hur said that the evidence “does not establish Mr. Biden’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.”:

“Prosecution of Mr. Biden is also unwarranted based on our consideration of the aggravating and mitigating factors set forth in the Department of Justice’s Principles of Federal Prosecution,” the report states. “For these reasons, we decline prosecution of Mr. Biden.”

As expected Dementia Joe was claiming he was cleared of any wrong doing, totally missing the part where the special counsel basically said he was mentally unfit to be tried, not that he wasn’t guilty guilty of wrong doing. It’s the section referring to Biden’s incapacity, and his disaster of a press conference Thursday that has caught everyone’s attention. True to form. Dementia Joe is blaming the special counsel for his problems. Here are those details from Fox News:

President Biden said Thursday that he struggled to remember certain key dates during his interviews with Special Counsel Robert Hur as a result of the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

Biden told reporters that he was “handling an international crisis” at the time of his interviews with federal investigators shortly after Hur released his 345-page report Thursday detailing the findings in his investigation into the president’s handling of classified documents. In the report, Hur noted that Biden’s memory failed him in multiple instances, saying the president forgot when he was vice president and when his son Beau died.

“I sought no delays. In fact, I was so determined to get the special counsel what they needed,” Biden remarked. “I went forward with a five-hour in-person interview over the two days of October — the ninth, eighth and ninth last year — even though Israel had just been attacked by Hamas on the seventh. I was in the middle of handling an international crisis.”

And no one believes that Dementia Joe was so busy that he forgot two major dates in his life. If Biden were just a normal person, I would be taking the car keys away from him right about now, and it looks like some Democrats are starting to say the same thing. Here are those details from Fox News:

Democrats are growing increasingly worried about the state of President Biden’s mental acuity after the release of the special counsel report stemming from his handling of classified documents.

“I think these questions now are going to come more to the fore,” “The Five” co-host Harold Ford, Jr. told Brian Kilmeade on Friday. “This was a tough night for the president, and I think many in the Democratic Party, which is my party, are going to have serious questions going forward about what this means.”

“This last night will be the closing ad in a campaign against President Biden as we get to November,” the former Tennessee congressman continued. 

Yes, it will be. The differences in mental capacity between the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, and the worst president* in history, Joe Biden, are miles apart. Everyone saw this in the 2020 campaign, but the Democrats were desperate to do anything to “Stop Trump!” and were perfectly willing to use Biden as a figurehead. Now they have a major issue. (Well, they actually have a lot of issues, but this is the one we’re talking about)

“The question is, are Democrats willing to go forward between now and November with a candidate that many in the country may not think is up to the job for four more [years]?”

Slow Joe Biden hasn’t been up for the job for the last 3 years,, never mind an additional 4 years if he steals the next election.

“The president’s lost his fastball,” Ford said. “President Biden last night, I think even in that interview, even in the press conference there, demonstrated to a lot of Americans what Mr. Hur wrote.”

Biden has never been able to throw a “Fastball.” He was and is a pathological liar. Thinking on his feet, or at all, has never been one of his strong suits.

Ford said before Thursday’s developments, he would have considered it “very unlikely” that Biden could end his re-election campaign.

“But as of right now, I think Democrats are going to have to grapple with this over the next several weeks and few months,” he continued. “And there are a few elders in the party that can perhaps have this conversation, and we’ll see if they do.”

Honestly, they aren’t going to convince Biden to step aside. To begin with Jill “Call me DOCTOR Damn It!” Biden will fight that every step of the way. Then there is the question of who they can get to replace Dementia Joe. Kamala Harris is mentally competent, but that and being a sex worker are the only things she’s competent at. She thinks she should be the next in line.

Then we have Gavin Newsom. The problems with him are twofold. First he’s to white. Second, he’s driven California right into the ground and he would do the same thing to the rest of the country. Michelle Obama has issued a flat “Hell NO!” Basically, the Democrats are screwed in replacing that senile idiot.

Now where do things stand? As mentioned, the Biden Boosters are saying that this report clears him of wrong doing. It does no such thing. It basically says that yes, Biden did break the law. It also says that by the time they get him into court, probably 2026 at the earliest, he will be in his mid-80’s and not much better then a grinning, drooling moron.

What the other part of this report from Robert Hur has done is finally shine the searchlight on what the Democrats and Deep State have been trying to hide in the dark since day on of the Biden Maladministration. Joe Biden is mentally incompetent and can’t fulfill the duties of the office of President of the United States. (We will leave the question of his election in 2020 out for now)

The first calls to remove Biden under the 25th Amendment have already started. Heels Up Harris could lead the charge, and it would leave her as the first woman president of the United States for a few months. She’s already come out trying to defend Biden’s mental state. If this were a Republican, the “Party Elders” would already be working to convince him to leave on his own, and if necessary would remove him. The 2024 election season has just gotten a lot more spicy.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Surprising no one, Special Counsel won’t charge Biden, BUT…

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    So China Joe the pedophile in chief is senile and a felon but won’t be charged. This, unfortunately, is not exactly late breaking news. With the Dominion machines being hacked in court with a Bic gives credence to the contention that 2020 was rigged. They tried to rig 2016 as amply demonstrated by the irregularities turned up in the aborted Green Party hand recount in Michigan (300% more votes tabulated for the Felon than actual paper ballots). If they do it again it will spell civil war. The Dems are counting on the loyalty of the officer class to give them the military but the NCOs that actually run the services and hold the trust and loyalty of the troops would hold to their Paths to protect the (sadly tattered) Constitution. It’ll cause an epidemic of “fragging” on scales that will surpass Vietnam.


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