UpChuck Schumer threatens to start WW III if his bill isn’t passed

Good day all. The Border Bill currently being shoved down America’s throat by UpChuck Schumer is rapidly taking on water and looks to be down by the bows. This has upset “His lordship” and he is now threatening to send American troops to Eastern Europe.

UpChuck Schumer working with his Deep State Uniparty pal, Cocaine Mitch “Brain Freeze” McConnell, put together a bill that, as usual, gives the Democrats everything they wanted and shafts the Republicans and the Nation. The problem here is that people started reading the bill that these two wanted passed sight unseen and as of now it’s dead. Before the collapse of the bill, UpChuck, seeing the writing on the wall, decided to threaten Americans with World War Three if he didn’t get his way. Here are the details from Breitbart:

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) warned that U.S. troops will be sent to eastern Europe “in a few years” if the Senate border bill that gives Ukraine $60 billion in aid is not passed.

Schumer said on MSNBC on Monday

We’re at a turning point in America is build is crucial and history will look back on it and say did America fail itself?”

Why is it crucial? Well, if we don’t aid Ukraine, Putin will walk all over Ukraine, we will lose the war. And we could be fighting in eastern Europe in a NATO ally in a few years. Americans won’t like that.”

This is a standard narrative for the Democrats these days. “Do what we want or we will start a war, draft your children and send them to be killed.” What’s happening in the Ukraine is also NOT OUR WAR!

Two months ago, President Joe Biden made that same argument — that U.S. troops would be fighting Russia if more aid is not passed.

If he keeps going and then he attacks a NATO Ally — well, we’ve committed as a NATO member that we’d defend every inch of NATO territory — then we’ll have something that we don’t seek and that we don’t have today: American troops fighting Russian troops,” Biden warned.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin also made that argument to House lawmakers during a private briefing in December. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) told them that if the aid was not passed, it would be “very likely” that U.S. troops would be sent to fight.

Austin, as usual, is wrong. One thing that the Ukraine/Russia war has show is just how much of a paper tiger Russia’s military actually is. Putin might make lots of noises, but he flat out doesn’t have the resources. If Putin were to attack NATO, since moving into Eastern European NATO countries would trigger the NATO treaty, he would be facing a force far better trained and equipped then what’s left of his army.

While most of western Eurostan have trashed their military forces, Eastern Europe have been doing the opposite. Poland alone would rip the Russian army several new ones and they’re still reequipping. The short version? It would be bloody but Russia would flat out lose.

Schumer said if the bill — which also would give Israel $14 billion — is not passed, the Israeli-Hamas war “will go on and on and on.”

It’s going on until Israel has finished off Hamas. They aren’t listening to you and the other Democrat supporters of Hamas demanding a cease fire.

He argued that if the U.S. did not give humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza, “hundreds of thousands” could starve.

So what? Let them. The fact that you are even considering helping the enemy of Israel is telling. Those people won’t hesitate for a second to kill Schumer of they got the opportunity.

He also admitted that the border is “chaos,” despite the bill only containing $20 billion for the border — about a third of the amount that would go to Ukraine.

So this is crucial for America. It’s a turning point. History is going to look over our shoulders and say, ‘Did we rise to the occasion?’” Schumer continued.

Schumer lies. People are tired of the endless war that Schumer and the Deep State are now pushing in the Ukraine. I don’t think the Ukrainians are to happy about it either. Then we have that crap you called “Border security” in that now dead bill. There wasn’t any. This was just another read on the treasury by the Uniparty.

Schumer praised Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and tried to blame former President Donald Trump for the growing Republican opposition in the House and Senate to the bill.

He also threatened that everything will get “worse” if the bill is not passed.

If Schumer has anything to say about it, it will get worse. That’s his standard operating procedure. Do whatever it takes to get what UpChuck Schumer wants and the Hell with everyone else.

To his credit Mitch McConnell did, but too many Republicans, including Speaker [Mike] Johnson are just scared to death of Donald Trump. Donald Trump has said he wants chaos. Donald Trump has said well wait till I become president that will take at least a year. Ukraine could be gone. The border will get much worse. War in the Middle East will get worse,  maybe bringing us into it,” he argued.

No you insufferable fraud, it’s not that they’re afraid of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. It’s that they’re getting an earful from their constituents and they’re pissed. McConnell has finally “Jumped the shark” and he is done. He’s not up for reelection until 2026, but his caucus has just about had it with him. He might finally decide to retire and slink off into a well deserved obscurity. If he doesn’t and does try to run again, I suspect that this time, he will lose his primary the way Liz Cheney did.

As for Schumer and his claims about “We will be at war of we don’t pay for more war!” people aren’t listening. Yes, we want the Ukraine war to end and would like it to end in favor of the Ukrainians. What we are tired of is shipping billion in cash to the Ukraine with no accountability. We’re also worried that our own defenses have been put at serious risk with all the munitions shipped to the Ukraine and not replaced.

With Israel, we’re seeing just how Schumer and most of the Democrats really think. They are pushing for Israel to surrender to Hamas. The Marxist Lunatics of The Squad are actively supporting Hamas and want to see Israel destroyed. That is bad enough, but that Schumer in the Senate and Jeffries in the House haven’t shut them down is telling. Most people outside of Universities and Democrat controlled cities and states support Israel and want Hamas utterly destroyed.

That Schumer is saying he wants to involve the United States directly in the war in the Ukraine? He needs to lose his seat. Sadly, we’re stuck with that weasel until 2028. All we can do is keep the pressure on and vote out all the Democrats TransRepublicans and RINO’s in both houses of congress.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to UpChuck Schumer threatens to start WW III if his bill isn’t passed

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    If he wants to fee the Treasury for a war, then he should propose a declaration to Congress. Without a Declaration of War he can go and stick his bill where his head is firmly lodged.


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