Server updates, things are looking good

Greetings one and all. It’s been a few weeks since our hosting service moved our old site and the blog site to a new, more modern server. I have been carefully monitoring things and so far, things are looking good.

One of the issues we were experiencing prior to the move, were server time outs. These were taking the blog down hard, in some cases for hours. Even the administration site was inaccessible. When I was able to actually get to the administration page and check the server status, you could see it was struggling badly.

After the move, one of the things I did was disable all the auto-updates for the plugins used by us on the back end of the blog. Over the last few weeks, I’ve been slowly reactivating the auto-update features.

I checked our old notes and it looks like we were put on the previous server some 10+ years ago. The server operating systems are linux, however the hardware was ancient. I don’t know how the hosting company has things configured, however I don’t think they are using virtual machines.

I will continue monitoring the systems and I would like to thank all of our 4 fans for their patience during this time of transition. In the meantime, we return you to our regularly scheduled paranoid conspiracies, rantings and ravings of the Angry Webmaster.

Thank you

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~The Angry Systems Administrator~

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2 Responses to Server updates, things are looking good

  1. Angry Webmaster says:

    If it’s looking so good, why did the site go down?

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