Jack Smith wants to Censor President Trump

Good day all. We have seen how the utterly corrupt New York judge, Juan Merchan, has actively been suppressing the free speech rights of the Greatest President of the United States, Donald Trump. Now we have the corrupt Federal Prosecutor Jack Smith demanding the same thing from Judge Cannon.

Recently, news came out that the FBI agents sent on the infamous Mar-a-lago panty raid were told not to wear anything identifying them as FBI agents and were give authorization to use lethal force. Apparently, the Secret Service agents on site didn’t know about the search warrant or that FBI agents were coming. Since President Trump wasn’t there, the Secret Service detail was basically a minimal detachment.

If President Trump had been there, the odds are the Secret Service would have opened fire on the armed, unidentified force arriving at he gate. President Trump, in his usual style, commented that Garland had basically issued a shoot to kill order on President Trump. This has set off Jack Smith and he is now demanding that Judge Cannon suppress President Trump’s 1st Amendment rights. Here are the details from Fox News:

Special Counsel Jack Smith asked a federal judge Friday to bar former President Donald Trump from characterizing the FBI’s 2022 search of Mar-a-Lago as a threat to him and his family, arguing that the claims put law enforcement agents in danger.

Considering the apparent operational plans, which included lethal force and no means to for people to identify the agents as FBI, yeah, that did put both Secret Service and FBI agents in danger. They might have ended up shooting at each other. (My money would have been on the Secret Service coming out on top)

In the motion filed to U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, who is presiding over the classified documents case in Florida, Smith requested Trump be prohibited from making statements that “pose a significant, imminent, and foreseeable danger to law enforcement agents participating in the investigation and prosecution of this case.” Trump claimed in a campaign appeal that FBI agents were “locked & loaded ready to take me out & put my family in danger.”

Has anyone bothered to tell that moron that when news of the raid broke, hundreds of armed Trump supporters head down to Mar-a-lago to protect President Trump. Two things prevented “Bad Things” from happening. First, the FBI had pretty much finished trying on Melania Trump’s clothes and had pulled out, and news came out that President Trump wasn’t on site at the time of the raid.

Court documents revealed this week that the FBI used its standard use-of-force policy that prohibits the use of deadly force except when the officer conducting the search has a reasonable belief that the “subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or to another person.”

“These deceptive and inflammatory claims expose the law enforcement professionals who are involved in this case to unjustified and unacceptable risks,” Smith’s filing reads.

Well there is this problem that people were reading the documents that were unsealed by Judge Cannon and they appear to contradict everything that little liar is saying.

Smith’s filing cites Trump’s claim that the FBI “was authorized to shoot me,” and was “just itching to do the unthinkable.”

Considering that the raid team was not made of up local FBI agents, and apparently those local agents had no idea the raid was going to take place, along with all the other things the FBI is now known to have done and continues doing, I think President Trump would have been murdered by the FBI if he and his family had been at Mar-a-lago that day.

“They invite the sort of threats and harassment that have occurred when other participants in legal proceedings against Trump have been targeted by his invective,” Smith wrote. “Those risks have the potential to undermine the integrity of the proceedings as well as jeopardize the safety of law enforcement.”

Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said that “repeated attempts to silence President Trump during the presidential campaign are blatant attempts to interfere in the election.”

That is the whole point of these bogus prosecutions. It’s to keep the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump from getting back into the White House. Without question, If President Trump wins in November, he is going to unleash Hell on the Deep State and there are any number of federal agents and officials who may be looking at criminal prosecution over their actions in the first Trump administration and what has been going on since he left office.

Considering all the things that Smith and Garland have been trying to hide without success, and how all these cases are falling apart, They are right to be worried. As to Smith’s statements that President Trump’s comments put Federal Agents at risk? Consider that a majority of Americans now consider the Federal Bureau of Investigation to be a threat to the average American, and want them disbanded, There is nothing that President Trump could say that would make things worse. (He would actually tell people to not take action)

One of the good things about the Florida case is Judge Cannon. Yes, she was nominated by President Trump, but she has been conducting this case within the Constitution and the Rule of Law, unlike most of the Federal Judges in the 4th Circuit and that crook Juan Marchen in New York. I suspect that she is going to deny Smith’s demand, right before she rules that he was not lawfully appointed and kills the whole thing.


As usual, once I finished working on this post and put it into the queue, events passed me by. Judge Cannon shot that down Tuesday morning, May 28th as I expected she would. (She is no Juan Marchan. She follows the law and the Constitution) I think she’s been going through all the records that she unsealed, along with all the “Friends of the court” and other legal documents and I think she’s come to the conclusion that Smith’s appointment was unlawful and that the basis for the warrant was fraudulent. I expect her to dismiss the case in the next few months.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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