Missouri sues New York for Election Interference

Good day all. One of the many outrageous court orders against the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, was Merchan’s gag order preventing President Trump from speaking about anything connected with the trial. Even with the kangaroo court verdict, Merchan is still suppressing President Trump.

President Trump has allegedly violated the gag order and been fined. However that this order was issued is just another indication of how far the New York Judicial system has collapsed from the Constitution. We are in the middle of a presidential campaign and the corrupt judge is threatening the probable next president of the United States. Now one of the states has decided that they need to take action. Here are the details from the Daily Wire:

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey filed a lawsuit on Wednesday against the state of New York, alleging that the state is engaged in election interference through its prosecution of former President Donald Trump.

The suit alleges three specific violations against New York, including interference with the presidential election in other states, interference with voters’ First Amendment rights in other states, and violation of a federal case that prohibits courts from sowing voter confusion or changing election rules. Bailey is calling on the Supreme Court to step in and rule that New York’s restrictions on Trump’s ability to campaign interfered with the election.

I’ve been reading about cases like this, and as I understand it, when one state sues another, it goes right to the Supreme Court. It doesn’t pass go and it doesn’t collect a pile of drek from the lower courts.

The suit specifically alleges that “New York’s actions impose a sovereign harm to the ability of Missouri’s 10 electors to exercise their federal authority,” with Bailey telling The Daily Wire that it is “intended to protect Missourians’ sovereign interest in participating in a national presidential election on equal footing with other states.”

AG Bailey then referred to the Purcell principle. This was the case of Purcell v. Gonzalez where the 9th Circus issued a ruling that basically changed the rules of an election just before the election. Basically, it interfered with the election.

There’s these open questions as to whether or not President Trump can appear on a ballot” and “whether or not he’s eligible to run for public office,” Bailey stated, adding that uncertainty has “been injected by this rogue prosecutor,” Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, in a manner that “violates the doctrine of Purcell and has the potential to undermine the credibility of the election.”

AG Bailey then brought up Merchan’s gag order on President Trump, which clearly violated his 1st Amendment rights. Mr. Bailey said that this should be stayed until after the election.

Trump’s conviction is very likely to be overturned on appeal. But by then, the constraints New York has sought to impose on Trump to limit his ability to campaign will already have had their full effect,” Bailey explained. “Missouri has a strong, judicially enforceable interest in its citizens and electors being able to hear Trump’s campaigning free from any gag order.”

The case against President Trump in New York was bogus from the start. Juan Merchan is, to be blunt, corrupt. At the very least, he should have recused himself. If her were an actual, honest judge and not the corrupt pile of manure that he is, he would have thrown the whole mess out on day one. Instead, he did everything he could to rig the trial and prevent President Trump’s defense team from putting on an actual defense.

We used to live in a world where the rules of the game mattered about the players and the outcomes,” Bailey told The Daily Wire, addressing the broader consequences of the prosecution of Trump for American politics. “The Left has rejected that approach in favor of violating the rules in order to retain power because they’re so desperate to be in control and have authority, and they’re willing to sacrifice the rest of our rights on that altar.”

And you’re just now noticing this? This goes back to 2016 when the “Heir Designate” Felonia von Pantsuit, was crushed by Donald Trump. This threw the Democrats into shock and they promptly moved to overthrow President Trump. If you want to go full on tin foil hat, you could say that the entire Covid-19 Panicdemic was set up to “Get Trump.”

Then came the Tainted Election of 2020 and the many questions of the honesty of election. The Democrats and the Deep State moved heaven and earth to “Get Trump!” with their operative Mike Pence showing where his actual loyalties lay.

Getting back on track, considering the actions of the New York Judicial system, especially Alvin Bragg and Juan Merchan, have shown that New York can no longer be trusted to follow the rule of law and the Constitution. (Many businesses are already leaving the state because of this and other garbage rulings against President Trump) It will be interesting to see if SCOTUS does take this up. I expect Roberts to try and duck this as he always does when he actually has to do his job.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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