Andrew Cuomo cover up of his Covid decisions finally falling apart

Good day all. Back during the Great Panicdemic of 2020, one of the major scandals was New York ordering nursing homes to take in recovering but still contagious Fauci Flu patients. The nursing homes, which were populated with elderly people with weakened immune systems, simply weren’t set up to handle this.

These nursing homes when told that they weren’t set up to handle this were told to do it or else. The upshot? Thousands of people died who, if they had not been exposed to the Fauci Flu, would probably still be alive. When the body count due to Cuomo’s stupidity began to climb, he tried to throw the blame everywhere else but where it belonged, on him. Now emails have been found that shows that Cuomo was fully involved in all this. Here are the details from the Washington Examiner:

Emails from former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s senior staff revealed Cuomo was intimately involved in drafting a New York State Health Department report that deflected blame for thousands of nursing home resident deaths due to COVID-19 in early 2020.

During his testimony before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic earlier this month, Cuomo denied any responsibility for the March 25, 2020, directive that required nursing homes to take in patients with COVID-19, saying instead that it was developed entirely within the NYSHD.

Cuomo also vehemently denied being involved in the drafting of the NYSHD report that downplayed the role of the March 25 order by instead blaming the high number of nursing home-related deaths on staff who had COVID-19.

I can understand why Andrew Cuomo is trying to shift the responsibility to anyone else. Besides lawsuits, there could be criminal charges involved. Actually, I think his testimony to Congress may also put him in legal jeopardy. Lying to congress is a crime I believe.

The former governor told the select subcommittee during his public hearing this month that he had not even seen a draft of the report before it was released to the public.

However, emails obtained by the New York Times indicate that Cuomo personally wrote parts of early drafts of the NYSHD report.

Well, well, well. Andrew Cuomo flat out LIED about his involvement. I’m shocked, shocked that a Democrat lied about something he is directly responsible for.

One email, sent from Cuomo’s assistant, Farah Kennedy, on June 23, 2020, to several senior staff members referenced an attached file with the “governor’s edits.” Other email exchanges referenced physical copies of the NYSHD report being transported back and forth between the governor’s mansion and senior staff.

I see one major mistake Cuomo and his people made. The left an electronic trail to follow and that is what the NY Slimes did. (I’m actually surprised they actually did the work. Of course, Cuomo is now on the outs and so is expendable to the Progressive Liberal Democrat Collective) These incompetent idiots failed to learn from the masters of hiding things, the old school Boston Pols. “Never make a call when you can talk face to face. Never say anything when a wink will do.”

The emails obtained by the outlet were not part of the official investigation from the select subcommittee.

So were these emails hidden from the committee? Were they part of a document request or subpoena issued by the committee and Coumo’s people just ignored it since it made them all look bad?

Now this whole thing, along with the Congressional investigation, came about due to the thousands of people who died after Cuomo and his collection of criminals order nursing homes to take in sick people with no means to quarantine them from their healthy residents. Cuomo and his minions massively undercounted the number for a simple reason. The actual number made them look really bad.

Republicans in the congressional investigation alleged Cuomo and his inner circle of advisers were directly involved in lowering the number of nursing home-related deaths in the state by excluding all COVID-19 deaths of nursing home patients that occurred in hospitals. 

Initial drafts of the report placed the number of nursing home-related COVID-19 deaths at less than 10,000, but the outlet reported that as many as 15,000 nursing home residents died of COVID-19 in the Empire State as a result of the March 25 policy.

Andrew Cuomo’s actions during the “Great Panicdemic of 2020” were a disgrace. Field hospitals had been set up as well as a hospital ship sent in my the Trump Administration that would have been perfect as a place to provide care to those with the Fauci Flu. However, since this would have made the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, look good, Cuomo and all the other Democrats refused to use them.

Instead Cuomo just seized supplies meant for other states claiming they were out and needed them more. (They weren’t out and the supplies he stole ended up expiring and being disposed of, unused) Now you can see why he’s not interested in the truth coming out.

Transcribed interview testimony from a former adviser to Cuomo, Jim Malatras, confirmed that the former governor provided edits to the NYSHD report “in a number of ways” to his senior staff, including through handwritten notes and word of mouth.

With the phone calls, all you will get is a record of the call being made, not the contents. (That requires a wiretap warrant) Any paper notes were promptly shredded, and with “Word of mouth” it comes down to “He said, She said, They said.” It would all be hearsay and not admissible in a court of law.

When Cuomo testified publicly before Congress on Sept. 9, the select subcommittee issued a subpoena for further documents about Cuomo from the office of the current Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY), saying that her staff has not been cooperative with the investigation to date.

The subcommittee says documents provided to it by the Hochul administration have been heavily redacted and do not include certain mobile communications between Cuomo and his senior staff, including BlackBerry messages.

I suspect that they were redacting anything that made the Karen Supreme of New York, Kathy Hochul look bad, or an accessory to mass murder.

A spokesperson for the select subcommittee told the Washington Examiner that the Hochul administration has until Sept. 24 to provide all subpoenaed documents.

We expect that the governor’s office will comply with a duly issued subpoena and provide all relevant documents,” said the subcommittee spokesperson.

Govno Hochul is a typical Democrat Govno and I have little doubt she will stonewall or just plain ignore the subpoena, at least until she can make sure that anything about her is “Misplaced.” If it affects Andrew Cuomo? Oh well. He’s been written off by the Democrat Elite. Of course, there should already be criminal charges levied, but since this is a pack of Democrats, Federal and State, noting will be done. Next year? Who knows?

That is all

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~The Angry Webmaster~

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