Another outage and the RCA

Greetings all, this is the Angry Systems Administrator. If you hadn’t noticed, the Musing of the Angry Webmaster, along with our old rant site went offline around 4am Eastern United States time.

I noticed the alerts when I woke up and did a quick check. Everything was down hard. I contacted our hosting service and they have restored the system. The reason for this outage?

A network card had failed. I suspect it’s been on it’s way out for a while now considering how I have been seeing outages lasting a few minutes a few times a week. The hosting service has replaced the bad network card and while they had the server offline, added additional RAM to it. (things had seemed a bit sluggish the last few weeks or so)

Obviously, we’re back online and it does look like the added RAM is actually helping with things. We’ve recently had some issues with bad plugins and I’m now wondering if the fault network adaptor might not have been part of the issue. (I’ll be testing things and the site might drop offline for a few minutes)

Thank you for your patience and understanding. Now if you will excuse me, I need to fire a trank dart into the Angry Webmaster before he sees what happened.

Thank you

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~The Angry Systems Administrator~

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