D.C. Adults Top Alcohol Abusers in Country

Good day all, how are you doing? If you’re a resident of Washington DC, you probably have a hangover. I was on the Drudge Report this morning looking for news on the crap sandwich, aka the Deal on the Debt when I saw this headline.

D.C. Adults Top Alcohol Abusers in Country

A new report says that adults in Washington D.C. abuse alcohol more than anyone else in the country.

According to a new study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 8.1 percent of adults age 26 or older in D.C. are alcohol dependent. Looking at a long-term sampling, alcohol abuse rate is on the rise for the District, according to the survey.

Hell if I lived in Washington, I’d spend my time boiled as well. Considering all the garbage they do down their, legislating while loaded is their only possible excuse. I wonder if we should have a law passed that requires a breathalyzer test of every elected or appointed official before they doe anything. If they fail the test it’s an automatic 90 day suspension of their voting/regulating privileges. 😀

Let’s see what other substances the Powers that Be are imbibing in, shall we?

D.C. was also among the 10 states where residents most frequently reported smoking marijuana within the last month. Alaskan residents inhale the most, according to the survey, with 11.5 percent of residents saying the lit up with four weeks of the survey.

Cocaine use in the District was also high. The survey says that while D.C. residents age 17 and under reported some of the lowest cocaine use in the country, District adults were among the top coke users in the United States, with 3.78 percent of residents saying they had used over a one year period

Well now, I see that the War on Drugs has worked out real well in Washington.

Our Solon’s are either smashed or stoned when they are ramming their latest load of garbage on the American people. I suspect that the Republicans are drunk and the Democrats are stoned. The Democrats snorting in some of Colombia’s finer pharmaceuticals is the only explanation for their complete lack of common sense and delusional beliefs.

So, there you have it. We now know why things are so bad in Washington.

That is all

~The Angry Webmaster~

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5 Responses to D.C. Adults Top Alcohol Abusers in Country

  1. D.C. Adults Top Alcohol Abusers in Country – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/VXQVCgK6wr

  2. D.C. Adults Top Alcohol Abusers in Country – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/VXQVCh1HnZ

  3. D.C. Adults Top Alcohol Abusers in Country – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/RCLIuuj1

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