Obama Parties and the Market Crashes

Well, I hope you enjoyed the fun on Wall Street today. The Market fell 512 points. What did President Obama have to say about this fiasco?

“Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday To ME! Happy Birthday dear Barry, Happy Birthday to meeee!!”

Yes, today is Obama’s 50th birthday and Wall Street celebrated by dropping 4% of it’s value or 500 point. That’s 10 points for every year “The One” has been infesting this planet with his presence.

From what I’ve read this is the longest down turn in 30 years, (9 days), and it looks like it isn’t going to stop anytime soon. Also, it looks like oil has dropped below $90 a barrel. Personally I think that’s great, but the oil traders think it means that the demand is going to drop. All of this year’s gains are now gone.

So what has Obama done? He went to a BBQ.

This is what happens when you put a Marxists/Leninist in office. He destroys the economy.

So, how’s that Hopey Changey thing working out for ya?

~The Angry Webmaster~

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£50bn blue-chip exodus from FTSE 100 | World Latest News

The 191.37 point drop to 5393.14 marked the fifth successive day of trading falls, bringing the value lost this week alone to £125bn. In America, the Dow Jones Industrial Average resumed 10 days of successive falls, broken only by Wednesday’s small rise, dropping by 512 points to 11384. Fears that America could lead the world into a double-dip recession and worries over today’s US job figures coincided with the tremors over the eurozone to push the Dow down almost 340 …
http://nbsrocks.com/ — Thu, 04 Aug 2011 14:55:25 -0700

Worst day on Wall Street since 2008 | PEOPLEUNLIKEUS

The Dow tumbled 512 points — its ninth deepest point drop ever — as fear about the global economy spooked investors. “The conventional wisdom on Wall Street was that the economy was growing — that the worst was behind us,” said Peter …
http://www.peopleunlikeus.com/ — Thu, 04 Aug 2011 14:44:52 -0700

Dow Falls 512 Points |

Dow Falls 512 Points, worst drop since 2008. Stocks closed sharply lower on Thursday, reeling from renewed fears over the debt crisis in Europe and the possibility that sluggish job growth in the U.S. will drag down an economic recovery …
http://dailyht.com/ — Thu, 04 Aug 2011 14:37:31 -0700

Stock markets plunge in worst day since depths of financial crisis …

The Dow Jones industrial average closed the day down 512 points, its worst performance since December 2008, as concerns about a double-dip recession caught fire among investors. The Dow finished the day down 512.76 points, or 4.3%, at 11383.68,. Earnings season got off to a bad start with the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) stocks down over 145 points in early trading, a drop of more than 1.15% to take it under 12110. Alcoa (NYSE:AA) was down by more than 2%, …
http://balochistannews.com/ — Thu, 04 Aug 2011 14:35:53 -0700
Recent Posts. Warren Jeffs found guilty of sexual assault · Sea turtle released after 14-month rehab for broken shell · Men get at least 17.5 years in prison for Florida · Dow drops 512 points · Do presidents age faster in office? …
http://news.blogs.cnn.com/ — Thu, 04 Aug 2011 14:35:19 -0700

Dow Drops Over 500. Gold Pulls Back as Investors Run to Cash …

Stock plunge nearly 5% on the worst 1-day drop since the 2008 recession. The Dow Jones fell over 512 points to settle at 11383. The NASDAQ Composite index moved lower by 5% or 137 points. The S&P 500 dropped 60 points to hold just above …
http://www.live-oilprices.com/ — Thu, 04 Aug 2011 14:35:07 -0700

Dow falls 512 in steepest decline since ’08 crisis | BitLoft.NET

Thursday’s decline was the ninth-worst ever by points for the Dow. In percentage terms, the decline of 4.3 percent does not rank among the worst. On Black Monday in 1987, for example, the market fell 22 percent. … A drop in stocks erodes household wealth and raises doubts about the economic outlook. The result can be what economists call a vicious cycle. Stock losses take a toll on consumer confidence and make people more reluctant to spend money. …
http://bitloft.net/ — Thu, 04 Aug 2011 14:27:20 -0700
I will break the pride of your power” (Leviticus 26:19) COGwriter The US debt situation and/or economic recovery apparently are major concerns.
http://www.cogwriter.com/news/ — Thu, 04 Aug 2011 14:27:13 -0700
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  1. Obama Parties and the Market Crashes – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/IQvT38ilgG

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