Google+ button

Good morning all. You may have noticed that I’ve put a Google+ rating button on the site. You may have also noticed it doesn’t work very well.

I am aware of this and I’ve also seen it on other WordPress sites. I’m not sure if it’s something here, or if the problem is at Google’s end. Considering the other sites having issues, my money is on Google. 😉

I’m going to leave it up for now and see what happens. It doesn’t “appear” to be causing any site issues, and if it does I’ll remove it faster than a credit downgrade from Standard & Poor’s. 😀

If you see any issues, please let me know ASAP.

Thank you

~The Angry Systems Administrator~

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5 Responses to Google+ button

  1. I see you still haven’t fixed this yet.

  2. Pingback: nedb

  3. Pingback: angrywebmaster

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