Some general systems news

Good evening all, this is the Angry Systems Administrator. I’ve finally been able to get my caffeine fix now that the Tyrannical sadistic bastard Angry Webmaster has replaced our coffee machine. I’ve been busy on the back end, working through the shakes and I’ve made a few minor changes to the Blog.

First off, I’ve added a plugin that periodically announces older blog entries on Twitter. It’s set to send out a new post every few hours. This is why you see a post show up in your Twitter feed that has the hash tag #angercentralarchives. I’ve been tweaking it and seeing what it can do.

Also, we have upgraded the Disqus comments system. I first noticed this update on Right Wing News and looked into it. Disqus is rolling it out by invitation only, but you can request an invite. Ours came in yesterday. You’ll also see a new Amazon feed on the left hand side. This replaces the old system that had the rotating wheel. I’ve been slowly adding all the books and music the pointy headed moron Angry Webmaster and I have in our combined libraries. It does have one bug in it. You will see some books that don’t have a price listed. This is due to the way it reads the Amazon feed for Kindle books. If you see something that interests you, just click on it and you can get a price directly from Amazon.

I have been toying with removing the Paypal link. The number of donations we’ve received can be counted on one hand, and you won’t need the thumb or most of the fingers.

There have been a few other upgrades, including the theme we use. Mostly that has been seamless. You might see the site go down and enter maintenance mode for a few minutes when I do an upgrade, but it doesn’t last long.

I have noticed that the blog does seem to be “Snippier” of late. Partly this is due to changing out or removing some plugins and also our hosting company, Hosting Matters, removed several statistics generators they;ve been looking at. One, logaholic, was one I really liked, but according to Hosting Matters, it put a real hit on the systems. This is one of the reasons I haven’t been keeping up with reporting our monthly stats. It was a bit time consuming transcribing everything into the blog. Logaholic looked like I could have posted images and graphs. Oh well.

As always, if you need to contacts us, please use our secure contact forms. Just click on Contact Us and select who you would like to reach.

Thank you for your time.

~The Angry (and caffeinated) Systems Administrator~

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  1. Some general systems news – #angercentralarchives

  2. Some general systems news – #angercentralarchives


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