In the to good to be true department

A recent poll indicates that Obama could lose his home state of Illinois. The story is in the Daily Caller and if true, would be a massive slam at “The One’s” plan for another four years Hopeandchange.

Now I am certainly no statistician, and I can’t believe that Der Fubar would lose his own state. However, I’ve heard from other sources such as Hot Air that Obama ads are now running in Illinois. Now why would they use their limited resources on ads in a “Sure Thing” state such as Illinois? Let’s see what The Daily Caller has to say on this.

President Barack Obama could lose his home state of Illinois in November, a new poll shows.

A poll conducted by Illinois-based pollster and political strategist Michael McKeon found Obama leading Republican Mitt Romney by 49 percent to 37 percent in Cook County, the home of Chicago. That puts him ahead by a far thinner margin than expected in a county he should be winning handsomely.

I’m guessing they haven’t had a chance to poll the dead yet. No doubt they will give Der Fubar a comfortable lead come November.

Those numbers do not bode well for the president.

Gee, ya think?

“He has to come out of Cook County with a big lead or he’s gonna have problems downstate,” explained McKeon, who said that based on the numbers he had seen, Obama polled only in the forties in downstate Illinois.

“It’s not like his policies are very popular downstate,” McKeon said. “He’s viewed as more part of Chicago than he is part of Illinois

Lets be honest. A fair number hate his guts.

According to the poll, which surveyed 629 registered voters last week, Obama’s problems are not in Chicago proper, but in suburban Cook County.

In the city of Chicago itself, he retains a 60-29 lead over Romney. But the Republican challenger leads 45-38 in the surrounding areas. Across the county as a whole, Romney leads 43-31 among independent voters, a crucial voting bloc. Romney also holds a 44-38 lead among male voters, and a 53-40 lead among white voters.

Now as I mentioned before, I am not a statistician and numbers give me a headache, but according to Ed Morrissey, who actually likes numbers and stats, the raw data for the poll hasn’t been made available.

Who’s Michael McKeon? He’s been around Illinois for decades and runs McKeon and Associates. The data on the poll isn’t provided by either The DC or by McKeon’s website, so it’s impossible to vet this more closely. Suffice it to say that a relatively new pollster can still produce sterling results, but we don’t have much of a track record by which to compare this poll, nor any other recent Illinois polling.

If this poll is accurate, it would obviously be embarrassing to Obama to have to spend a lot of money and attention on his own home state. Republicans nearly won the gubernatorial election after the conviction of Rod Blagojevich, and Mark Kirk won the open Senate seat in 2010, but the state GOP still needs to do a lot of work to make themselves competitive in the Land of Lincoln. If Obama really ended up losing Illinois, it would almost certainly be because of a national landslide that would make Illinois a historical footnote.

I could go with a crushing and humiliating defeat of the SCoaMF. Losing his home state would be icing on the cake. It would also utterly repudiate the 4 years of Democrat control of the house and senate as will and San Fran Nan Pelosi and the utterly incompetent Dingy Harry Reid.

Now the Romney campaign could throw a few dollars there and have either Romney or Paul, (Perhaps both) make a few campaign stops in the state. Then they could sit back and watch the sheer panic erupt from the Obama campaign. Someone in the Romney campaign needs to call Rush Limbaugh and ask him for help in “Operation Chaos Part II.” ((Rush Limbaugh, Operation Chaos))


~The Angry Webmaster~

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This article reports that Obama is only 12 points up on Romney in Cook County, Illinois (home of Chicago): President Barack Obama could lose his home state of Illinois in November, a new poll shows. A poll conducted by Illinois-based … — Mon, 20 Aug 2012 13:17:00 -0700

Too good to check: Could Obama lose … Illinois …

PPP: Romney has a slight lead in Wisconsin. Look, I’m a pretty sunny optimist, but this stretches even my credulity. A pollster in Illinois believe… — Mon, 20 Aug 2012 13:02:18 -0700

Shock Poll: Obama could lose Illinois |

President Barack Obama could lose his home state of Illinois in November, a new poll shows. A poll conducted by Illinois-based pollster and political strategist Michael McKeon found Obama leading Republican Mitt Romney by 49 percent to … — Mon, 20 Aug 2012 12:54:22 -0700

Shock poll: Obama could lose Illinois | Anchorage Daily Planet

President Barack Obama could lose his home state of Illinois in November, a new poll shows. A poll conducted by Illinois-based pollster and political strategist Michael McKeon found Obama leading Republican Mitt Romney by 49 percent to … — Mon, 20 Aug 2012 12:44:59 -0700 — Mon, 20 Aug 2012 11:46:54 -0700

IL 4 Mitt Romney: Shock poll: Obama could lose Illinois President Barack Obama could lose his home state of Illinois in. November, a new poll shows. A poll conducted by Illinois-based pollster and political strategist. Michael … — Mon, 20 Aug 2012 11:41:00 -0700
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