It seems like every year Social Media creates another idiotic Social Media Challenge that makes you wonder what the fuck is wrong with these kids today?
Now they have come up with the idea of cooking raw chicken inside of a pot full of NyQuil. Like seriously who the fuck would even think about cooking chicken inside of cough syrup that's meant to help sick people sleep?
Like why the fuck would anyone come up with something as disgusting as NyQuil Chicken as that's a waste of both food and medicine. There are starving children all over the world and you have losers wasting food like this just to get attention on Social Media like why don't today's parents discipline their dumbass kids?
I hope these kids do poison themselves because it means less idiots wasting oxygen in the world when doing these stupid challenges.
*Note from Anger Central
We have to admit, the first we heard of this idiot idea was this rant. Then we
saw some items about it on Socialist Media.
We say, let those who are trying out for the Darwin Awards be successful.
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