Daily Archives: March 7, 2016

Foreign governments worried about Pres. Trump

Good day all, and yes, I will be speaking with the Angry Systems Administrator about both the DDOS attack and his comments on my viewing habits. However, now I’m reading stories that world leaders are “Concerned” over a possible Trump presidency. Continue reading

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Netflix, New season of House of Cards

Hello all, this is the Angry Systems Administrator. As I mentioned in my last post, when I rushed into the Anger Central offices this morning to find out what was going on with the network, I discovered an incredible smell. Continue reading

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Anger Central under DDOS attack!

Hello all, this is the Angry Systems Administrator. Last night, Anger Central became unresponsive. It turns out the hosting facility we use came under a full blown Dedicated Denial of Service attack that took out all of their clients and … Continue reading

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