Obama Says Economic Stimulus Plan Worked as Intended

While sleazing around the Drudge Report I cam across a link to Bloomberg.com. Following that I found this headline:

Obama Says Economic Stimulus Plan Worked as Intended

I don’t know whether to laugh or be frightened.

“It has already extended unemployment insurance and health insurance to those who have lost their jobs in this recession,” Obama, who is traveling today in Ghana, said in his weekly Saturday radio and Web address. “It has delivered $43 billion in tax relief to American working families and business.”

Tax relief? Please show me who is being relieved of the high levels of taxation Jug ears intends to impose on working people. Oh wait! I know! If you work IN the Obama administration, paying taxes is considered a point against you!

To continue…

Obama, in his speech, said the stimulus program is helping state governments save jobs. Were it not for the program, the president said, “state deficits would be nearly twice as large as they are now, resulting in tens of thousands of additional layoffs — layoffs that would affect police officers, teachers, and firefighters.”

Oh ho! so the intent was to protect Government Jobs, not Private Sector jobs. gee, I wonder what the tax take would be if everyone worked for the government? Oh wait, that’s already been done in places like the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. That turned out real well.

Obama and his band of merry morons absolutely hate private enterprise, probably because most of them would or have failed miserably and if it hadn’t been for their elitist friends, would probably have starved to death years ago.

More mush from the wimp…

In asking for public patience, Obama said the recovery act “wasn’t designed to restore the economy to full health on its own, but to provide the boost necessary to stop the free fall.”

Oh really? That’s not what President “Shovel Ready” was saying a few months ago. From an article on the Washington Post:

“Joined by Virginia governor and Democratic National Committee Chairman Timothy M. Kaine, Obama showed off one of the “shovel-ready” projects that would be funded by the stimulus plan: a 1.3-mile segment of the Fairfax County Parkway.”

From what we’ve heard, this was in planning for quite a while.

Then there was Obama’s little trip to Caterpillar where Obama said that the Stimulus would cause the company to suspend layoffs and rehire those already let go.

Umm, not so fast. From MSNBC,

Caterpillar CEO contradicts Obama, sees layoffs

Caterpillar CEO Jim Owns said:

“The reality is we’ll probably have to have more layoffs before we can start hiring again,” Owens said without elaborating on timing or specific numbers.Owens seemed to back away from Obama’s assertion that the Caterpillar CEO had promised him he would rehire some of the laid-off workers if Congress approves a sweeping stimulus bill. The company has struggled with lower demand amid the global economic downturn.

The severity and swiftness of the recession, Owens said, makes adding jobs back quickly unrealistic

Of course, since the first “Stimulus” worked so well, they want to do it all over again and even bigger then the last one!

From the Wall Street Journal,

Calls Grow to Increase Stimulus Spending

Some economists are pressing the White House to enact a second round of stimulus spending or find some other way to avert a prolonged job and wage slump. But the White House is in a tough spot. Officials want to give the $787 billion stimulus package passed in February time to work — only 10% of the spending is out the door so far — and there is little appetite in Congress, particularly among Republicans, for spending more money at a time of record deficits.

Yep, the last one was a dismal failure so let’s do it again!

There is an old saying that you can’t spend your way out of a recession. Pity so many leftist economists haven’t learned that yet. Of course in their tiny little minds, the reason it hasn’t worked they way it should is because the plan wasn’t followed exactly they way these idiots said it should be. Never mind that IT’S NEVER WORKED BEFORE IN HISTORY!!

What can you do you say? Start calling your Reps and screaming at them. If that doesn’t work, boot them out of office. If no one is running you can stand, then run yourself. And when some Libtard telss you that you are a:

  • Racist for opposing Obama
  • Heartless for not wanting to help the children
  • A greedy self centered jerk for wanting to keep your own hard earned money

Just kick them in the groin. 8)

Have a nice day and stay angry!


It looks like I’m not the only one who’s ranting and raving about Obama’s delusional statement that the Stimulus is working. Check out Stop The ACLU for more.

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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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  1. Obama Says Economic Stimulus Plan Worked as Intended – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/u6J9ru6S0R

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