In the “Nice shooting there Tex” Department

Good day all. It’s time for a little levity I think. While I was working on my last post, I saw this little story come in. Apparently, zoo keepers accidentally fired a tranquilizer dart into another employee.

Oh, the employee who was tranked? He was wearing a gorilla suit at the time. Here are the amusing details from The Telegraph:

Frantic zoo keepers in Tenerife rushed to call an ambulance after a vet shot a tranquilliser dart at a man dressed as a gorilla. Police on the Spanish island received a call from a panicked member of the public, who said that a gorilla had escaped from its pen in Loro Park zoo, and was seen running around the theme park. A vet was called, and on spotting the creature fired a tranquillizer dart at its leg with enough sedative to fell a 200kg beast.

But to his horror, the vet – who had only been in the job for two months – realised that the creature was in fact an employee of the zoo, dressed in a gorilla suit, who was staging a mock escape to practice their emergency routines.

shooting fish in a barrel

Bwahahahahahahaha! Now I wonder how the vet figured out that the gorilla he just shot was actually someone in a suit? I would hazard a guess that it was the scream of pain followed by a string of epithets directed at the man with the dart gun.

The 35-year-old man was taken to the island’s University Hospital after the shooting, which happened after the call to the police was made at 11.40am on Monday, according to La Opinion de Tenerife. He was said to be in a serious condition, having suffered an allergic reaction to the tranquilliser, but was expected to make a full recovery.

Well that is good news of course. Getting hit with enough tranquilizer to drop a gorilla could kill a man. I have the feeling that the vet might be looking for a new job now, or they have taken his dart gun away from him.

Now there has been an update to the story.

Zoo says man shot with tranquilliser dart at Tenerife zoo was not wearing gorilla suit.

Oh that makes it a lot worse for that vet. Now he can’t use the excuse that “I thought it was a real gorilla! Honest! Feel free to make comments at the expense of the people involved. They certainly are in the Telegraph’s comments section.

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~The Angry Webmaster~

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In the “Nice shooting there Tex” Department – #angercentralarchives

angrywebmaster (@angrywebmaster)

In the “Nice shooting there Tex” Department #angercentral #humor @twitchyteam #peta

angrywebmaster (@angrywebmaster)

In the “Nice shooting there Tex” Department #angercentral #humor @twitchyteam #peta

nedb (@nedb)
9 years ago

RT @angrywebmaster: In the “Nice shooting there Tex” Department #angercentral #humor @twitchyteam #peta