Dingy Harry Reid will not seek reelection

Good day all, and it is a good day. Dingy Harry Reid has announced that he will not seek reelection in 2016.


Dingy made the announcement that after his nearly being assassinated by some Tea Party sponsored exercise equipment, that he felt it was time to take the hint and spend more time with his family. The fact that his chances of winning reelection were not good had nothing to do with his decision. And if you believe that, I have a swamp in the Nevada desert I think you might be interested in.


Dingy almost lost his last reelection bid to a candidate who wasn’t all that good. Only the sudden influx of misplaced votes, located in a few casinos in Las Vegas is the only reason he held on to his seat. According to the New York Times, Dingy has been thinking about this for some time.

Mr. Reid, 75, who suffered serious eye and facial injuries in a Jan. 1 exercise accident at his Las Vegas home, said he had been contemplating retiring from the Senate for months. He said his decision was not attributable either to the accident or to his demotion to minority leader after Democrats lost the majority in November’s midterm elections.


I understand this place,” Mr. Reid said. “I have quite a bit of power as minority leader.”

Now there he is correct. He has Mitch McConnell carrying on as if Dingy was still the Majority leader. Now we are going to get that pinnacle of good and honest government as his replacement, Charles “Upchuck” Schumer.

Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York, who helped Democrats capture the Senate in 2006 and has led their political messaging operation, is considered the favorite to succeed Mr. Reid as party leader.


There is also a chance we might be stuck with the traitor from Illinois, Dick “The Turbin” Durbin.

Senator Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, the Senate’s No. 2 Democrat, could also be a contender for the job, but it is unclear how strongly he would pursue it.

recovering dumbass

The problem with Durbin, besides being an idiot, is his tendency to commit treason at inopportune times. Still, either one will do especially if Obama finishes his job of torpedoing his own party. I won’t say I’m sorry to see Dingy go. He is a crook, a liar and a proven threat to the people of the United States. We may never know if he was behind the Bundy Ranch mess, but the very fact that it’s even being considered demonstrates what a true thug Reid is.


Good by and good riddance Dingy. Miss you we will not.



~The Angry Webmaster~

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4 Responses to Dingy Harry Reid will not seek reelection

  1. Dingy Harry Reid will not seek reelection – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/ZSLvGfgJfK

  2. nedb (@nedb) says:

    RT @angrywebmaster: Dingy Harry Reid will not seek reelection http://t.co/HVgGnJ1WZz #angercentral #harryreid #tcot #teaparty #twitchypolit…

  3. Dingy Harry Reid will not seek reelection http://t.co/HVgGnJ1WZz #angercentral #harryreid #tcot #teaparty #twitchypolitics

  4. Dingy Harry Reid will not seek reelection http://t.co/HVgGnJjyo9 #angercentral #harryreid #tcot #teaparty… http://t.co/AARDQar6xK


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