A Day in the Life of a Leftist

Have you ever wondered what your average leftist does during the day when he or she isn’t out protesting something or other? (In other words, making a complete pain in the ass of themselves)

Well it seems someone found the daily planer of a leftist and has made a sign of it. Now rather then post the photo, I’ll just write them down for you.

  1. Wake up at Noon
  2. Go to the coffee shop
  3. Write poem on napkin
  4. Quote passages from books I’ve never read
  5. Realize no one is listening
  6. Remain unemployed.
  7. Drift idly through the day
  8. Blame others for my problems
  9. Bed

Of course when the SEUI or ACORN calls for protesters, this planner will change. Of course, since ACORN is going bankrupt, the calls aren’t coming in as often.

This post was brought to you as a public Service.

~The Angry Webmaster~

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7 Responses to A Day in the Life of a Leftist

  1. A Day in the Life of a Leftist – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/WPsSXErHAl

  2. A Day in the Life of a Leftist – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/t7cAcbuN

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