Happy Hiroshima Day!

Today marks the 70th Anniversary of the dropping of the first Atomic Bomb. The target was the city of Hiroshima and the military bases there.

politically incorrect zone

This was the first of two weapons that ended World War 2 and saved hundreds of thousands of American lives as well as millions of Japanese lives. The revisionists refuses to accept what the costs of an invasion would have been and say the United States shouldn’t have used the bombs. They also forget that World War 2 was a total war, especially in the Pacific. Japan was not going to surrender and was preparing to defend against our invasion forces.

They also knew where would have to land and had prepared a defense in depth. After the surrender, the United States had the chance to examine the invasion beaches. When they drew up the plans, they knew it was going to be bad, but once they had a chance to look at what the Japanese had planned, they knew right then that nuking them was really the best and only decision to make.

So, as far as I’m concerned, have a happy Hiroshima Day!

nuclear blast


~The Angry Webmaster~

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