Operation Fast&Furious strikes again!

Good day all. Although news on the BATFE’s failed Operation Fast&Furious has dimmed down a bit. It hasn’t gone away entirely. Now another one of those guns has shown up at a crime scene, and this one was inside the United States, and was used by Islamic Terrorists.


In this case, it was the attempt by a couple of RIF’s to shut down the Draw Muhammad show in Garland, Texas. One of the guns appears to be one that “slipped through the cracks.” Here are the details from the New York Daily News:

A gunman killed during his attack on an Islamic prophet Muhammad art show in Garland, Texas, reportedly bought a pistol through a botched federal firearm sting. Nadir Soofi bought a 9-mm pistol at a Phoenix gun shop in 2010, one report said, that sold illegal firearms through ATF’s heavily criticized Operation Fast and Furious to track firearms back to Mexican drug cartels


The Senate Homeland Security Committee wants to know if that same pistol was used five years later in an alleged Islamic State-sanctioned shootout targeting right-wing blogger Pamela Geller’s event, according to a memo obtained by the Los Angeles Times.

Flying pig

Yeah, good luck with that.

Since that attack, the FBI and DOJ has failed to produce serial numbers for the firearms used by Soofi and Simpson instilling the fear that the operation resulted in yet another instance of domestic violence, the LA Times reported.


Gee, I wonder why that could be? It can’t be to protect the rights of the defendants now, can it? They are dead after all. Oh, I know. It is to protect another potential defendant, Eric Holder.

A week-long hold was also placed on Soofi’s gun purchase, but authorities lifted it after only a day, the Times added.


The revelation that a Department of Justice operation let about 1,400 firearms go missing in the hands of drug cartels and gangs put a hiccup in Eric Holder stint as attorney general.

A hiccup? I think it was a bit more than that. What Holder did is directly responsible for the murder of a federal officer, not to mention potential crimes against humanity due to all the Mexican men, women and children who have been killed with these guns. Thanks to this and other crimes committed by Holder, he is now the first Attorney General to be held in Contempt of Congress. The only reason he isn’t in jail right now is Barack Obama. Barky is protecting that racist murdering pig.


Holder won’t face justice until we get a new president who believes in the Rule of Law and not the Rule of Obama, Clinton or Democrats. Even then, he might still get away with it. People are wondering how long it will take Obama to sign all the pardons before he leaves office.



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~The Angry Webmaster~

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