FEC still wants to censor the Internet

Good day all. Last year I wrote a post on how the Federal Elections Commission, headed by Ann M. Ravel, wanted to start censoring political speech on the Internet. Never ones to let a bad idea go away, they are looking at doing it again.

eye roll

These totalitarian knotheads, primarily Democrats, are at it again saying that regulating speech on the Internet is under their purview. Here are the details from the Washington Examiner:

After backing down amid concerns she wanted to regulate political speech, and even new sites like the Drudge Report, the chairwoman of the Federal Election Commission has renewed talk about targeting campaign and political activities on the internet.


Ann M. Ravel, discussing election regulation during a speech in New York, suggested it was time to produce “thoughtful policy” targeting internet political activity. She also expressed frustration that her last bid was met with “threatening misogynist responses to me.”

Gee, why would people want to do that you f***ing Nazi? Because they see you as an outright threat to their constitutional rights? Now, the FEC does regulate paid advertising. (And I have serious questions about the very existence of the FEC) However, now they want to go after all political speech on the Internet.

But in answering the question this week, Ravel indicated she wants to pursue regulations. “It would be under the purview of the FEC to look at some of the issues that arise in new media and the impact of new media, in particular with respect to disclosure and ensuring that there is no corporate contributions, for example excessive contributions or contributions to a particular candidates for example,” she said.

In other words, she wants to go after anyone who might say something positive or negative about a candidate or election. Obviously this cow has never heard of the First Amendment. The last time she tried this she was shut down hard by other members of the FEC and Congress. primarily Republicans. They saw this as yet another attempt by the PLFD’s to suppress conservatives. Ravel has an answer to that. Here’s what she thinks should be done to fix the Federal Elections Commission from Fox News:

The chairwoman of the Federal Election Commission has a novel idea for reforming the turbulent agency she leads: Fire everyone — except for her.


“Certainly Congress or the president could establish a blue ribbon commission to propose reforms at the FEC, including replacing holdover commissioners of which everybody is a holdover commissioner except me,” she said.


Well isn’t she special? She’s obviously so much smarter then all those others on the commission, especially those who think the First Amendment means what it says.

The camaraderie on the FEC these days isn’t exactly tight. Members have clashed in the last several months over Ravel’s flirtation with Internet regulation and allegations of partisanship on both sides. But the suggestion — made during a forum hosted by The Brennan Center for Justice, the New York City Campaign Finance Board, and the Committee for Economic Development — that the rest of the commission be replaced would appear to mark a new level of disharmony.

Disharmony? That’s a nice way of saying that the commission is split along party lines, with Democrats pushing for a full totalitarian agenda. Then this moonbat doubled down on her utter insanity.

At the conference, Ravel continued to slam the influence of money in politics, particularly from so-called super PACs, and suggested they’re hurting diversity in public office.

Barking Moonbat

Meaning Progressive Liberal Democrats of course.

“Over 90 percent of super PACs are funded by white males, and they generally have been found to contribute to white males,” Ravel said, in comments first reported by The Washington Examiner. She claimed few women and minorities without access to money “will have a chance to even be nominated, much less elected to public office.”

JW-Life's tough

Despite this claim, a Pew Research Center study earlier this year said the current Congress is the most diverse ever, with nearly one-in-five members a racial or ethnic minority.

don't confuse

Ravel, meanwhile, also weighed in — carefully — on the notion of regulating political Internet content. The FEC in May backed off consideration of such regulation, after a public outcry and pressure from Republican colleagues. This was after Ravel last fall said that a “re-examination” of the agency’s approach to the Internet was “long overdue,” raising concerns the FEC could try to require creators of politically themed content to file spending reports.

And my response to that demand would be to tell them to go to hell. Obviously, I post political content. I’m not paid for it. (Gawd I wish I was) I do run advertising on this site, but I haven’t seen a nickel from those in almost 2 years. (Ad blockers probably) If this Nazi Bitch expect me to file reports and ask permission to exercise my rights, she has another thing coming.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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