Huntress to world: “Oh Look! A giraffe!” *BOOM*

Good day all. The other day I posted a rebuttal from the Zebras over the outrage being generated by the death of Cecil the serial killing lion. I also managed to get my very first negative response from some lion loving loser.


However, this isn’t about me, but rather about another big game hunter, a very attractive woman named Sabrina Corgatelli. Currently she is in Africa on safari. She’s been following the screeches of the perpetually offended and decided to add her two cents. She didn’t argue with them or try to present her side of the argument. No, she threw down the gauntlet and basically told the SJW’s to take their whining and stick it where the sun never shines. Here are the details from The Telegraph:

An American huntress has sparked fury on social media after posting pictures of herself with the corpses of a giraffe, warthog, kudu and impala during a trip to South Africa.


Follow the link to The Telegraph story for the pictures. Ms. Corgatelli is standing in a pose with the giraffe’s long neck wrapped over one hip and down across her legs. The look on her face is basically “Yeah, I shot a giraffe. You don’t like that? TOUGH!”

Sabrina Corgatelli, who is believed to come from Boise, Idaho, counted down the days on her Facebook profile to the “trip of a lifetime” to a private conservancy 20 kilometres from the country’s iconic Kruger National Park. Before her trip, she posted a meme of Leonardo DiCaprio on her wall accompanied by the message: “To all the haters. Stay tuned, you’re gonna have so much more to be p***** off about.”


On July 25, just after it emerged that an iconic black-maned lion named Cecil had been killed in Zimbabwe by a foreign hunter – later revealed as Dr Walter Palmer, a US dentist – Miss Corgatelli began to post pictures of her kills.

Talk about sticking a finger in the eye of the Social Justice Warriors. Then, to really ramp up the volume, Ms. Corgatelli started posting pictures of her kills.

Her first showed her crouching over the prone form of a massive kudu, a kind of African antelope with a white-striped body and spiralling horns. “Yesterday, day 1 an amazing day!!! Got my beautiful beautiful Kudu!! It was my #1 want on my list and I got him on the first day!!! Loving it there!!”

Most of the pictures were of game animals such as the kudu. She’s also bagged a warthog, (Which is just as nasty as it’s flying namesake), a wildebeest and a giraffe. Granted the only one I might question is the giraffe, but not to much. The others will be carved up and the meat handed out to hungry villagers in the area. (I’m assuming giraffe meat is tasty)

The Late Bambi

I popped over to Ms. Corgatelli’s facebook page and as you might expect the haters from the Army of the Social Justice Warriors, 2nd PETA battalion, are in full throated whine. It looks like that Ms. Corgatelli isn’t responding much, probably due to being in the middle of nowhere tracking down the lion king for a forced dethronement. I’m not a hunter, but I have no problem with it. These animals are not endangered and are used as food for the locals. Even lions are eaten.

The SJW’s, being morons, don’t understand a few little things about big game hunting in Africa. A lot of these animals will attack humans, and in the case of the big cats, eat people. The locals who have heard about the termination with extreme prejudice of Cecil the Lion have been responding with happy dances. To them, lions are a threat. Cecil wasn’t “Beloved” by the locals, he was feared.

Social Justice Warriors and their camp followers who are going after the dentist who took out Cecil, as well as attacking Ms. Corgatelli live in a fantasy world. If they ever had to deal with a carnivore tracking them with an eye to making them lunch, they would quake in their Birkenstocks, release copious amounts of brown solid waste matter into their frilly underwear and then scream “MOMMY!!”


Humans have been hunting animals for easily a million years. It’s in our genes. It’s one of the reason we developed large brains and learned to make and use tools. The SJW’s want to revert to a simpler time, not understanding that the time they think was so great was also a time when humans were mostly considered prey. Keep up the good work Ms. Corgatelli and have a good time on Safari!


~The Angry Webmaster~

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