Anger Central under DDOS attack

Good day all, this is the Angry Systems Administrator. Yesterday I started getting alerts that our web site, both the main site and the blog, were going up and down like a yoyo.


I contacted our hosting company to see if there was something going on with the shared server we use, the network or if we had a WordPress plugin that might be acting up. Our service got back to me and provided this explanation:

It was due to abusive traffic to your site. We’ve already dealt with it, and the server hasn’t made a peep since we did some blocking.

Now the Annoying Angry Meathead Webmaster has not been making any friends of late with the perpetually offended. His posting regarding the lion that was blown away a few weeks ago, along with the one he did today regarding another hunter taking out a giraffe has actually generated a negative response. It looks like it also annoyed some script kiddies and they decided to do the usual Social Justice Warrior method of showing their displeasure. By deliberate sabotage of a web site.

Perhaps if the whining little cowards could actually string a clear and concise paragraph about what upsets them, and posting it in our comments, we might actually take them seriously. Since they can’t, and their actual defense of their beliefs doesn’t withstand logic, they resort to to shutting down anything they don’t like. As usual, they failed and failed miserably.

We would like to thank our hosting company for their prompt response to the attacks against us.

Thank you for your patience.

The Angry Systems Administrator

~The Angry Systems Administrator~

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