Germany on course to commit national suicide

Good day all. As you are probably aware by now, there is a wave of refugees coming out of the Middle East and heading into Europe. Literally millions of people, almost all of them Muslims, are demanding to be let into the EU and given welfare, and control of large swaths of the countryside.


This has led to a number of governments, primarily the old Warsaw Pact nations refusing to let any of them in. Germany, on the other hand, is just fine with letting millions of Arabs in who have no intention of assimilating into German culture. Here are a few details of the mess from Fox News:

Germany’s vice chancellor said his country could take in 500,000 refugees annually for the next several years, one day after Hungary’s prime minister called on Berlin to close its doors to thousands from the Middle East, Africa, and Asia who have poured into Eastern Europe in an effort to reach more prosperous nations.


Letting in 500K people who have no intention of assimilating, let alone becoming productive members of society will end Germany as a first world nation in 10 years at best. However, the German government isn’t satisfied with destroying themselves, they also want to take down the rest of Europe with them.

The BBC reported that Sigmar Gabriel also repeated demands that other European countries accept quotas designed to ensure that Germany does not have to take in the lion’s share of refugees. Germany, which has the largest economy in Europe, is expecting to take in 800,000 refugees in 2015, more than four times last year’s total. An estimated 20,000 refugees entered Germany via Hungary by train, bus, and on foot this past weekend alone.

The Hungarian government is up in arms over the German and other EU governments throwing open the doors to the, for lack of a better term, invaders and they are pushing back hard.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban warned in an interview with Austrian television late Monday that millions of refugees would descend upon the continent if what he called Germany’s “open door” policy continued. He also claimed that many who had passed through his country via the so-called “Balkan Corridor” were not in dire straits, but rather were attracted by Germany’s generous benefit programs. For that reason, Orban warned, the refugee surge risked placing an intolerable financial burden on members of the 28-nation E.U.


Europe is basically broke. The EU has been a complete failure and their answer is to allow in more people who will do nothing but suck the treasuries dry. Germany has spent the last few decades absorbing and cleaning up the mess in East Germany. They are finally beginning to get their feet under themselves and now you have that idiot Merkel telling the Islamic world to come on in.

“I am happy that Germany has become a country that many people outside of Germany now associate with hope,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel told a Berlin news conference Monday. “What isn’t acceptable in my view is that some people are saying this has nothing to do with them. This won’t work in the long run. There will be consequences although we don’t want that.”

She’s right that there will be consequences, but she’s wrong thinking that keeping these refugees out is considered a bad thing by many Europeans. Hungary has had centuries of experience with Islamic invaders. They know what the results will be if Germany won’t lock down the borders. Eventually, they will start agitating for the institution of Sharia law and forcing the Europeans to submit to Islam. We’re already seeing that happen in some areas.

Another consequence that the European elites aren’t considering is the response of the people. They are not happy with what their leaders are planning and they are starting to get very loud about it. Currently, it’s in the eastern parts of the EU, but it is beginning to spread. Here’s what the New York Times is reporting:

Even though the former Communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe have been asked to accept just a tiny fraction of the refugees that Germany and other nations are taking, their fierce resistance now stands as the main impediment to a unified European response to the crisis.


Well, it is the New York Times. You have to understand that they support the destruction of the Western World. Their “Reporters” tend to get upset when someone doesn’t bend to the Politically Correct view of the world.

Poland’s new president, Andrzej Duda, has complained about “dictates” from the European Union to accept migrants flowing onto the Continent from the Middle East and Africa. Slovakia’s prime minister, Robert Fico, says his country will accept only Christian refugees as it would be “false solidarity” to force Muslims to settle in a country without a single mosque.

Interesting that no one is really opposed to Christian Arabs. Could it be that they understand that Arabs who are Christians tend not to blow themselves up, cut the heads off people and won’t have much of a problem assimilating? (Any more then any new immigrant would) The Hungarian government is even less subtle in defending themselves.

Viktor Orban, Hungary’s hard-line prime minister, calls the influx a “rebellion by illegal migrants” and pledges a new crackdown this week.

Hmm, I wonder if we can get Prime Minister Orban to come to the States and help us with our own problem with Illegal Aliens?

When representatives of the European Union nations meet on Monday to take up a proposal for allocating refugees among them, Central and Eastern European nations are likely to be the most vocal opponents.

I wonder why? Well I’m sure the NY Times will be more than happy to tell us how to think inform us.

Their stance — reflecting a mix of powerful far-right movements, nationalism, racial and religious prejudices as well as economic arguments that they are less able to afford to take in outsiders than their wealthier neighbors — is the latest evidence of the stubborn cultural and political divides that persist between East and West.

Oh we can’t have any pride in our nation or our history! Why, that is so backwards! We need to force these ruffians to see that we are all just one people. After all, we are so much better educated then those Slavic types.


But as often as not, the political discourse in these countries has quickly moved toward a wariness of accepting racial and religious diversity. “This refugee flow has outraged the right wing,” said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch. “If you scratch the surface, why are they so upset? It’s not about jobs or the ability to manage them or social welfare. What it is really about is that they are Muslim.”


Hey stupid! Have you bothered to look at the history of Eastern Europe with regards to Muslims? It isn’t a happy one. You might think that Dracula is an amusing story about a vampire, but Vlad Dracul was a real person who liked to impale Muslim invaders…to encourage others not to come to his country.

Unlike countries in Western Europe, which have long histories of accepting immigrants from diverse cultures…

HAH! Don’t make me laugh.

The former Communist states tend to be highly homogeneous. Poland, for instance, is 98 percent white and 94 percent Catholic.

They used to have a large Jewish population too, but those ever so tolerant and accepting Nazi’s showed just how tolerant and welcoming of diverse cultures they were by exterminating them. Oh wait, I’m not supposed to bring that up, am I?

Even mainstream political leaders eager for closer ties to Brussels, the European Union’s headquarters, feel pressure to appeal to this growing nationalist wave. “By toughening up their rhetoric and showing a strong hand toward the Roma minority, facing down the E.U. and refusing a common solution to the refugee crisis, they are trying to outbid the far right and keep the traditional political parties in power,” said Zuzana Kusá, a senior research fellow at the Institute for Sociology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.

Actually, people are seeing the European Union for what it is. Just another attempt by a pack of elitists who want to rule, not govern. These elitists are the same type that brought about Communism and National Socialism. They see letting in millions of Muslims who won’t assimilate as a way to destroy the national sovereignty of the European Union states and force the people into their idea of Utopia. What they refuse to understand is that the Muslims want one thing. An Islamic world.

Merkel and her cronies in Germany may think the best way to deal with their past is to commit national suicide. They might want to consider what the results might be. The worst case would be a repeat of what happened in the 1920’s and 30’s. Germany has a population of about 81 million people. Approximately 6 million or Muslims. Not all are ready to start a Jihad, and a fair number have fully assimilated.

Under Merkel’s plan, in 10 years or less, that number will double, and these will not be Muslims who were born and grew up in Germany, but first generation. Germany is already having problems with Radical, unassimilated Muslims. Letting that number in is just begging for problems they don’t need.

They best, simplest answer is to fix the problems in the Middle East that is driving these people out. That means, bluntly, crushing the radical Islamic groups, starting with ISIS and including Iran. That means, again bluntly, send int troops and wiping these groups out and letting the people who just want to live their lives and let others live theirs, flourish.

Pity the Unicorn ass sniffing moonbats in Europe and the United States can’t get it through their heads that there way is doomed from the beginning. So long Europe. It was nice knowing you. Who knew that Tom Kratman was actually a clairvoyant? It must be something that the Baen Publishing company puts in their coffee.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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5 Responses to Germany on course to commit national suicide

  1. And of course, we should just ignore that this invasion of mostly fit, military-age Muslims are waving ISIS flags. . .

  2. Just a note here. Right after I scheduled this, Germany announced it was closing it’s borders for the time being. Perhaps someone hit Merkel and the others in the government with a clue x 4?


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