ISIS attacks in France and response

Good day all. It’s been less than 24 hours since the massive Islamic Terrorist attacks in Paris that killed over 120 innocent people and wounded hundreds of others. France has declared a state of emergency and is looking for anyone who aided these goat shagging thugs.


From around the world, people are offering up their support of the victims, and are also demanding that ISIS, which has claimed credit for this bloodbath, be destroyed. The only problem is the various governments and Mainstream Media organizations are still having trouble calling this what it is. An attack by Muslims.

Yesterday, President Dumbass announced that ISIS had been “Contained” just hours before the attacks began. While it is a coincidence that ISIS launched this attack just after President Stupid made that announcement, it just shows how dangerously incompetent he is.


Reports are coming in that one of the terrorists had a Syrian passport, and may have been listed as a refugee. (Be advised that we are still under the 72 hour rule on news) The wave of refugees moving into Europe and now the United States from the Middle East has been coming under fire from the average person in Europe. Now the borders are starting to be closed down, although that is like locking the barn door after the Muslim horse has left, gotten an RPG and leveled the local school full of children.

If anyone thinks this won’t happen here, I guarantee it will. The Obama Regime along with the Open Borders crowd are in the process of ramming thousands of “refugees” from Syria into the United States. We have people like Senator Dick Durbin who is calling for the immediate immigration of 100,000 Syrians into the United States.

[youtuber youtube=’’]

The numbnuts in Washington are already saying they want to bring in 10,000 Islamic Terrorists refugees now and bring that up to a full 100,000 by 2017. There will be minimal vetting of these people and if the recent invasion into Europe is any guide, most of these terrorists refugees will be men of military age.


Right now, according to Judicial Watch, there are at least 1000 federal investigations, covering every state in the union probing potential ISIS attacks here. And these people want to bring in more? We’re already having trouble with the Muslims we now have. Far to many are refusing to assimilate and are actively trying to impose Sharia Law on the United States. What’s worse, they are being assisted by groups like the ACLU.


And then we have the outright refusal of so many on the left to understand what is going on. They are either using this to further their Progressive plans or complaining that the coverage of the attack is taking coverage away from them. For instance, we have this tweet from the Bloomberg gun confiscation group Moms Demand Action.

Our hearts are with the victims and survivors of the horrific mass shooting and violent attacks in Paris today.

That sounds like a nice, sympathetic statement. What you need to see is the picture they attached to the tweet. It’s a picture of the Eiffel Tower with a banner that says:

We are united in mourning all the lives lost to gun violence.”


All those moonbats can see was the people shot by the terrorists. They completely missed the hand grenades and suicide bombers. They also seemed to have missed the “Act of War” that ISIS committed. Then we have the spoiled totalitarian Nazi’s out at the University of Missouri. (Mizzou) They’re pissed that they aren’t being covered now since something really important happened. Here’s what Breitbart reported:

Campus activists in America showed their true faces during an international tragedy last night: they are the selfish, spoiled children we always knew they were. Black Lives Matter and Mizzou protesters responded to the murder of scores of people in Paris at the hands of Islamic extremists by complaining about losing the spotlight and saying their “struggles” were being “erased.” Their struggles, remember, consist of a poop swastika of unknown provenance and unsubstantiated claims of racially-charged remarks somewhere near Missouri’s campus.

A typical tolerant Democrat

So debased has the language on American campuses become that these incidents, which many observers believe to be hoaxes, just like previous campus scandals celebrated by progressive media, are being referred to as “terrorism” and a “tragedy” by moronic 20-year-olds who have never been told, “No.”

triple facepalm

Just how stupid are these little brats? Here are the transcripts from a couple of tweets that were sent out.

From Melanin Monroe

Racist white people kill me, you want everyone to have sympathy for YOUR tragedy, but you have none for ours. #GetTheFuckOutOfHere #mizzou

And then we have this gem:

From Kyra D. Hardy

Interesting how news reports are covering the Paris terrorist attacks but said nothing about the terrorist attack at #mizzou

The Stupid

This is the same media hesitant to call Paris an act of Islamic terrorism for hours, despite shouts of “Allahu akbar.” The product of their pandering to the politics of grievance and offence-taking is a generation of students who, faced with the horror of a terrorist attack killing hundreds, respond with: “But what about me?”

The story at Breitbart has one idiot tweet after another, all in the same vein as the two I listed. The backlash against the “Precious Snowflakes” was swift and ruthless. It also was utterly ignored by these “Future Leaders,” (God help us all!), who would like nothing better than a return to segregation and the end of the right of free speech.

Precious Snowflake

The 9/11 attack that killed 3000 Americans and lawful resident aliens has been forgotten by the Progressives. They have gone so far as to blame the whole thing on the United States. Now, we’re beginning to see the same thing happen in France.

The Progressives are starting to blame France for this. In truth, it is the Progressives who are at fault. France and Europe are going to need to decide what they are going to be. A Western Democracy, or the latest addition to the Islamic Caliphate.

Things are going to get a lot worse over there and many people are watching to see when the Birkenstocks are put back into the closets and the jackboots come out. If you don’t think that will happen, think again. The Islamic invasion of Europe, assisted by the Progressives in the European governments has just exploded in their faces. 120+ people are dead because of it. If they don’t take action, you can bet someone will come along who will.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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