And another RINO bites the dust

Good day all. Well, yet another Republican never was has withdrawn from the race for the White House. Former New York governor, George Pataki, (RINO-NY), announced to his supporters that he is dropping out.

dead rino

One of the reasons Pataki didn’t give for his decision was the simple fact that no one actually knew he was running. Of course, he gave other reasons for withdrawing. Here’s what the Washington Times reported:

Former New York Gov. George Pataki dropped out of the 2016 Republican presidential race Tuesday evening, continuing the winnowing of the huge GOP field and eliminating another long shot hopeful from the party’s centrist establishment wing.

Longshot? Longshots do win on occasion. This horse was dead when they stuffed him into the starting gate.

He made the announcement on NBC affiliates in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina at 9 p.m. EST, using the last of the free airtime he had received from the network to settle an “equal time” dispute over front-runner Donald Trump having hosted “Saturday Night Live.”

Oh, you mean he whined to NBC that they weren’t being fair to him, and they said “Fine. Here’s a few minutes, now go away.” Which, he has.

While tonight is the end of my journey for the White House as I suspend my campaign for president, I am confident we can elect the right person,” he said. “If we’re truly going to make America great again, we need to elect a president who will do three things: confront and defeat radical Islam, shrink the size and power of Washington and unite us again in our belief in this great country.”

Which, of course, left him out.

Although he had a credible resume as the successful governor for more than a decade of one of the nation’s largest states, Mr. Pataki never managed to break into the top tier of candidates, repeatedly relegated to the “undercard” in candidate debates and barely registering in polls among Republican primary voters.

I think the only people who actually knew who he was, were family members and friends, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they all didn’t vote for Bernie Sanders. (Since they are from New York, hate Trump & Cruz and think Hillary might be indicted) For everyone else it was “Who?”

Mr. Pataki, a onetime mayor of Peekskill, entered the race hoping to resurrect a political career in which he was best known for winning three gubernatorial races in a heavily Democratic state and presiding over New York during the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

But the 70-year-old never caught fire on the stump, and has been overshadowed by some of the party’s fresh faces, including Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Marco Rubio of Florida, and political newcomers such as businessman Donald Trump and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson.

Pataki couldn’t catch fire if you poured gasoline on him and tossed a flare into the puddle at his feet. Oh well, so much for yet another egomaniacal has been. Here’s a little send off for George and the other Republicans who have also failed miserably to catch on.

[youtuber youtube=’′]

So long George. Can’t say I’m going to miss you since we hardly knew you were there.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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