According to Al Gore, the planet is now finished

Good day all. I didn’t realize this, but 10 years ago today, Al Gore announced that we had only 10 years to save the planet from Global Warming. Al Gore’s plan to save the planet included things like impoverishing most Americans, and enriching himself.

Al-Gore Fire Breathing Dragon

The attempts to impose all the plans Al Gore had, haven’t occurred. There is no market for carbon credits, people still like to drive SUV’s, and we have so much oil available, that the price per barrel is in the process of collapsing. The only thing that Al Gore has managed to achieve is the enriching himself part.


Well, Today is the day that the Earth is supposed to tip over and explode into flames. Looking around, I see that that the temperature is about what I would expect for this time of year. We have a little snow on the ground in the area. Obviously this must be just a fluke. Perhaps some sort of atmospheric anomaly in this area.

Flying pig

Hmm, the Mid-Atlantic area is currently digging itself out from about 3 feet of snow. How is that possible? After all, the atmosphere should be igniting right this very moment! Snow should be a thing of the past. I wonder what happened? Perhaps a secret miracle device has been activated and the planet is Saved!


No, what has actually happened is that Global Warming was found to be a complete crock of fecal matter. When Al Gore was snowed out for the 19th time and unable to give his “Earth and my checkbook in the Balance” presentation, the powers that be in the Global Warming community decided to rename their con to “Climate Change.”


Unfortunately, the jig is up and people have figured out that the whole Global Warming/Climate Change deal was nothing more than a scam to make the Progressive Liberal Elite rich and the government more powerful. Now, people have stopped believing Al Gore and started believing their eyes as they shovel several feet of global warming off their sidewalks.

snow in Israel

So crack open a bottle of Champagne, loaded with Co2, (A greenhouse gas, better known as plant food), and celebrate The End Of The World As We know It. Here is a little exit music to wave goodbye to Planet Earth for you.

[youtuber youtube=’′]


~The Angry Webmaster~

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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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