Virginia restores CCW reciprocity

Good day all. A few weeks ago, Virginia’s Clinton ass kissing governor through his utterly worthless Attorney General unilaterally ended the Concealed Carry Weapon reciprocity agreements they had with almost half the states in the Union.


Terry McAuliffe, who only became Governor when the GOP(e) through his Tea Party backed Republican opponent under the bus, announced through his AG that they were revoking the CCW agreements they had with 25 states. The “reason” they gave was that the other states weren’t as tight with their training requirements as Virginia.


This move did not go over well with the legislature, and they promptly took action to get this decision reversed and also removed from the hands of the Attorney General. One of the moves was to strip McAuliffe of his armed security detail. Now Governor Hose Head has caved in, not that he had much choice, and the CCW agreements are back in force. Here are some of the details of what happened from the Washington Post:

Gov. Terry McAuliffe and Republican leaders will announce Friday they have reached a deal on Virginia’s gun regulations in a surprising moment of compromise on an issue that had threatened to poison the remainder of the governor’s term in office.

Heheh, yeah, some “compromise.”

McAuliffe (D) agreed to legislation that says the state must recognize concealed-handgun permits from nearly all states — a reversal of Attorney General Mark R. Herring’s decision last month to sever the reciprocity rights of gun owners in 25 states. In exchange, Republicans softened their stances on issues that have long been non-starters in the GOP-controlled General Assembly. Under the deal, the state would take guns away from anyone who was under a two-year protective order for domestic-violence offenses. And State Police would have to attend all gun shows to provide background checks for private sellers if they requested the service.

Controversial? No one has any real problem with keeping violent people from having a means to do violence, provided there is full due process of law. Progressive Liberal Fascist Democrats generally have a problem with the whole “Due Process” thing when it comes to the 2nd Amendment. And having a police officer or two at gun shows? Making it simpler to do the background checks? That’s actually a service, not an issue.

This is a bipartisan deal that will make Virginians safer,” McAuliffe spokesman Brian Coy said. “It also demonstrates that Democrats and Republicans can work together on key issues like keeping guns out of dangerous hands.”

recovering dumbass

And I have this nice pig in a poke to sell you. It also has lipstick on it. Although the Washington Post is trying to make this look like a win for McAuliffe, the fact is, he lost and lost big time. His goal was the typical PLFDs suppression of the 2nd Amendment and confiscation of all firearms. Pity that the overwhelmingly Republican legislature was going to ignore him and restore the agreements. The rest of the story is the typical ham handed crap you would expect from a PLFD propaganda sheet. What might have tipped the balance to get McAuliffe to agree with the restoration of the CCW agreements was a plan to strip the flaming yellow coward of his security detail. Here’s what Breitbart had to say:

Virginia state senator Bill Carrico (R-Dist. 40) is responding to Governor Terry McAuliffe’s (D) relentless gun control push by introducing a budget amendment to remove funding for McAuliffe’s protection detail. Carrico said, “If he’s so afraid of guns, then I’m not going to surround him with armed state policemen.”

[youtuber youtube=’’]

McAuliffe has been going after people’s guns since he sleazed his way into office. He’s been doing a lot of damage to people’s right to keep and bear arms, and this was the final straw as far as the legislature was concerned. Since McAuliffe is so frightened of guns, the answer was to keep them away from him.

Senator Carrico is responding to these things—and more—by trying to be sure McAuliffe does not have to be around guns at all if they bother him so much.


McAuliffe finally saw the writing on the wall and decided to see if he could keep some semblance of his dignity. There are sufficient Republicans to override any veto he issued, and there is a better than even chance that a few democrats would peel away as well. His defeat under those circumstances would have been even more humiliating. Hats off to the Virginia legislature for teaching this PLFD a real lesson.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to Virginia restores CCW reciprocity

  1. bbuddha says:

    OMG, that made me laugh out loud…strip McAuliffe of his armed security. Priceless.
    The Virginia legislature sure could teach the D.C. bunch a thing or two.

    • ayup. However, there might be an issue with the long term restraining order. A former Virginia lawyer has said those have been notoriously abused by people and the courts. However, he also said things might have changed since he practiced there.


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