Some of Cankles email to secret to release

Good day all. The continuing soap opera known as “As the Bathroom Mail Server turns” continues to revolve. The intelligence community has now stated that some of the messages that Cankles had on her server are to sensitive to be released in any form.

When I say in any form, they mean that they won’t even hand out a blacked out piece of paper. This story, as is the normal case when really bad news comes out for important people, has been released on a Friday afternoon. Here are some of the details from the Friday Document Dump from Fox News:

The intelligence community has now deemed some of Hillary Clinton’s emails “too damaging” to national security to release under any circumstances, according to a U.S. government official close to the ongoing review. A second source, who was not authorized to speak on the record, backed up the finding. The decision to withhold the documents in full, and not provide even a partial release with redactions, further undercuts claims by the State Department and the Clinton campaign that none of the intelligence in the emails was classified when it hit Clinton’s personal server.

triple facepalm

Yep, this is looking really bad for the Pant Suited Princess of Clintonia.

One source, not authorized to speak on the record, suggested the intelligence agencies are operating on the assumption there are more copies of the Clinton emails out there, and even releasing a partial email would provide enough clues to trace back to the original – which could allow the identification of “special access programs” intelligence.


Do you want to know just how bad this is? The various intelligence services have to assume that anything that was sent to the State Department for review by Hillary Clinton has been compromised and is in the hands of our enemies. This could rival the damage done by the Walker spy ring and CIA traitor Aldrich Ames. The only difference between what Cankles and her minions did and what the spies did is that the spies were intentionally sending secrets to the USSR.


Hillary Clinton didn’t intend for secret information to reach our enemies. It was her paranoia regarding congressional oversight that caused her to violate the laws on the handling of secret information.

evil hillary2

Now the pressure is building to indict her and leaks are coming out of the FBI that they are demanding her arrest. According to former House Oversight Committee Chairman Darryl Issa, the FBI would like to indict both Hillary and her significant other, Huma Abedin. Here are the details from Washington Examiner:

California Congressman Darrell Issa, who previously led an investigation into Benghazi as former chairman of the House Oversight Committee, says the FBI “would like to indict both Huma [Abedin] and Hillary Clinton” for conducting sensitive government business on an unsecure, private email server.

“I think the FBI director would like to indict both Huma and Hillary as we speak,” the Republican heavyweight told the Washington Examiner Thursday, during a debate watch-party at Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s New Hampshire campaign headquarters.

“I think he’s in a position where he’s being forced to triple-time make a case of what would otherwise be, what they call, a slam dunk,” Issa said, referring to FBI Director James Comey, who previously told the Senate Judiciary Committee he would conduct a “competent,” “honest” and “independent” probe into Clinton’s handling of classified information during her tenure as secretary of state.


Here is the problem. The FBI doesn’t take cases to the Grand Jury. They only investigate and make a recommendation. It’s the Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, who has to make the decision. Because of the known corruption of the previous Attorney General, and the current one’s questionable independence, many people think that she won’t send the case to a grand jury and will, in effect, let Hillary Clinton walk. This has led to rumors that a number of investigators, and possibly the director of the FBI will resign in protest.

Issa’s comments come just two days after former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, claimed he has friends in the FBI who “tell [him] they’re ready to indict and they’re ready to recommend an indictment.” “They also say that if the attorney general does not indict, they’re going public,” DeLay said Tuesday during an interview on Newsmax TV.

The Democrat Party is in big trouble. They have put all their hopes on Hillary Clinton winning the nomination and then becoming the 45th president. For decades, they’ve ignored the outright criminal activities of both Bill and Hillary Clinton, including protecting Bill Clinton when he was impeached on perjury charges.

Typical Democrat Voter

If Loretta Lynch actually does her job and Cankles is indicted and arrested, the Democrats will be stuck with Comrade Bernie Sanders. If Lynch brooms the case and Cankles is not indicted, she might win the nomination but will lose the general, and in all probability, take down dozens of Democrats in lower level elections. For the Democrats, it’s “Damned if we do, damned if we don’t.” If they don’t, they will prove to the voters that the Democrat Party will put the party ahead of the laws, constitution and the nation.


Pass the popcorn, this is going to be fun!


~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to Some of Cankles email to secret to release

  1. bbuddha says:

    “If they don’t, they will prove to the voters that the Democrat Party
    will put the party ahead of the laws, constitution and the nation.” You mean there is someone who doesn’t already know this 🙂


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