Denmark prosecuting rape victim

Good day all. The title is a bit misleading, but not by much. The woman, actually a 17 year old girl, was attacked by a Muslim “refugee” but was able to fight him off and escape.

Rape whistle

The problem here is how the young lady managed to fight off her attacker. She used a can of pepper spray, and that is a big no no in Denmark. Here are the details of this blatant miscarriage of justice from the Daily Mail:

A Danish teenager who was sexually assaulted near a migrant asylum centre has been told she will be prosecuted after using pepper spray to fend off her attacker. The 17-year-old told police she was targeted in the coastal town of Sonderborg by an English-speaking man, who knocked her to the ground and tried to undress her. But she managed to prevent the man from attacking her further by spraying the substance at him.


Good for her. However, in Denmark, as in most of western Europe, defending yourself is considered bad form. The officials would have been much happier if this young lady had just leaned back and enjoyed being raped.

However, as it is illegal to use pepper spray, the teenage girl is set to face charges. It is likely she will face a 500 Krone (£50) fine. Local police spokesman Knud Kirsten told TV Syd: ‘It is illegal to possess and use pepper spray, so she will likely to be charged for that.’


And they wonder why people are starting to see the government over there as an actual threat to their safety and well being. But wait! It gets even better!

The man who attacked the girl fled from the scene and has not yet been charged. It is unclear if the man was an asylum seeker or refugee.


The only reason I will accept that this thug hasn’t been charged, is that they haven’t caught him yet. If this is yet another “Islamic Migrant/refugee” and they are just going to give him a pass, yeah, over here in the States, the officials would already be looking over their shoulders for the lynch mobs. Still, it looks like the Danish government is slowly getting a clue.

Meanwhile Denmark’s parliament has voted in favour of seizing asylum seekers’ assets in a controversial bid to reduce the numbers moving there. Under a new law, officials will have the power to search migrants for valuables and take cash and possessions worth more than around £1,000 to help pay for their stay. Only wedding rings and items of sentimental value will be exempt. Asylum seekers will also have to wait three years before family members can join them in the country, instead of the current one year.

How about a few other changes? You know, like letting people have pepper spray as the minimal means of self defense against the rampaging Islamic thugs your policies have allowed in? I would also suggest closing the borders and sending these scum back to the third world hellholes they came from. Only those who have fully assimilated, or are in the process of doing so, (and making a good faith effort), should be allowed to remain. Finally, how about giving this young lady a pass on the pepper spray? It could have been worse, She might have been carrying a mace instead and caved his skull in. Just a suggestion of course. I think she would be better off with either an H&K or a Glock.

Smoking gun


~The Angry Webmaster~

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