The weekend Primary results

Good day all. Yesterday we had a few primaries and caucuses and the results are in, more or less. On the Republican side, Trump and Cruz each won a pair of states. On the Democrat side, well, lets just say that Cankles didn’t do as well as she expected.


From my reading, Nebraska was just a Democrat Caucus, and that was won by Comrade Bernie. He also won the Kansas Caucus with Cankles winning the Louisiana Primary. On the Republican side, Cruz won the Maine and Kansas Caucuses, with Trump winning the Louisiana Primary and the Kentucky caucus.


As for Rubio and Kasich? Kasich and Rubio both won nothing. They came in third and fourth and managed to pick up a couple of delegates. Neither one of them has won any primaries or caucuses this election season.

train wreck!

The two big primaries will happen next week in Florida and Ohio. Florida is Rubio’s home state and Ohio is Kasich’s. Surprisingly, Rubio is not doing well in Florida and will probably lose it to either Cruz or Trump. I’m not sure how Kasich is doing in Ohio, but even if he wins it, he has no chance of winning the nomination unless the GOP(e) RINO’s play games at the convention. Basically, the Republican primary race is down to two people. Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. Neither one of them is loved by the GOP(e) RINO’s. Actually, both of them are hated and despised by the Beltway Republicans.


On the Democrat side, this is still Hillary Clinton’s race to lose. Both Ohio and Florida are expected to go for her, considering how the Democrat National Committee is doing everything they can to rig the vote for her. She is still not out of the woods with gaining the Democrat nomination. She has the FBI hot on her heels, and the rumors are that the criminal investigation should be wrapped up by May.

Hillary for Prison

Hillary continues to lie about what the FBI is doing, calling it a “security review” of her email. It isn’t. They are looking at actual criminal activities by her and her senior aides. Last week the Department of Justice granted immunity to the man who set up her bathroom mail server, and has been cooperating with FBI investigators.

nothing to see here

One of the things they appear to be looking at was if Hillary’s login information was shared with other people, again in violation of regulations and the law. While Comrade Bernie has ignored Clinton’s email issues, (Stupidly from a campaigning point of view), he has plenty of money and the wins this weekend mean he will probably stay in right to the convention. Of course, the only way he can win the nomination is if Cankles is hauled off the stage in handcuffs.


It’s going to be fun this week watching the GOP(e) beltway pundits, as well as a few blogs like Hot Air and Patterico’s Pontifications, screaming to the high heavens that it’s all over for Trump. (I believe Patterico supports Cruz, and the Hot Air group has been going for the RINO de Jour) Personally, I can go for either Trump or Cruz, with my preferences being a Trump/Cruz ticket followed by a mass RINO slaughter next year at the Republican National Committee HQ.


So, just sit back, order more popcorn and enjoy one of the most exciting primary seasons we’ve had in decades.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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